i dont have any hobbies, and i gatekeep the games i play, i dont watch anime or read manga except a few, i sometimes draw doodles and symbols but i rarely do it and theyre not good, i cant play an instrument, i cant make music, i dont do any kind of programming, i dont make art, i only speak 2 languages, and people get bored of me after a while, how do i get interesting to people?

  1. Be interested in others and it’ll create a ripple effect where others are interested in you.

    Little toddlers usually don’t know how to program or play instruments. They also usually don’t have any interesting stories to tell unless it just happened to them. In spite of that, they’re usually pretty interesting to talk to. They have a sense of wonder about the world that can be kinda infectious

  2. I think you’re kinda asking the wrong question here. Don’t try to find out how you can become interesting. Instead, assume that you *are* an interesting person but you just haven’t manifested, or unlocked that part of you yet. So like, try to find out who you *really* are and then explore that. What are you curious about? What’s a potential hobby you’ve always daydreamed about but never tried? What are your core beliefs and values? Why do you like the things you like and dislike the things you dislike? If you don’t know any of these answers, then do research and do a lot of thinking/reflecting.

  3. Your post literally states the answer to your question. There’s no easier way to get more interesting than to do hard things that most others won’t. Good luck !

  4. Lie. Just make up stuff about you. Small things like you like to hike or you paint in your free time.

    I have a coworker who all he does is watch stand up comedy and tiktok videos. He loves to share the jokes he listens to and everyone at work seems to really enjoy his company.

    I guess what I am trying to say is, you DONT have to be original. Lie about hobbies until you get involved with some. And tell (appropriate) jokes

  5. Being interesting isn’t all about your hobbies er things you accomplished. I feel like people like it when you’re interested in them. It’s how I think people notice you, because when you’re interested conversation becomes easy and then just kindly present yourself. How people see you is all about what you show them. To be more interesting as a person I’d advise you to be active, go see friends when you get off work or school, engage in social events and things you’re interested in, have a question about how something works google it! Gathering information is a real jumpstart inn conversation. You always know something about everything and can talk about it with people. Sorry first time responding on Reddit haha hope it helped

  6. I can relate to some of it, I’ve restricted myself very much from fun things because my parents overly stressed about working hard and making money (which I didn’t become good at anyway). Being an interesting person though, I could be a couple times. I think there’s someone in my head who filters out everything I want to say, proves me in one way or another that no it’s not a good idea. I had a popular teacher though he would make joke of how he rarely left the town (objectively lame), but he had profound perspective about things and he was really into it when talking. He was very confident.
    IMO just try to join conversations and be into it and the people and forget the self judge, perfection doesn’t exist.

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