I have ADHD, part time working mother, in a relationship with a man 24 years my senior.. that’s not going great…non existent relationship with family… I lose friends can’t make friends left and right. I feel so alone. Anyone else ever feel like it’s over, like your window for development is over and you just resign to misery?

  1. I’ve definitely felt that way before. I have ADHD too, and a lot of people bounce on me fast. A lot of the time it happens after I get really excited about a topic or the person I’m talking to, and massively overshare/overtype. Sometimes it’s probably me coming off as unnatural due to trying really hard to mask and “be normal”. Or trying too hard to look smart because the other person’s intelligence intimidates me. Sometimes I lose people because I myself lose interest in the friendship after enough time has passed, and I stop putting in effort, even if it’s subconscious. It can get very exhausting and demotivating at times.

    Buuuut still, I don’t feel like my development is over or that I’m doomed because of it. I try to remind myself that as long as I keep reflecting on my behavior and thought patterns and practicing talking to people, and developing self-love that’s not reliant on others’ validation, that I’ll eventually run into someone who can see past these external traits and appreciate me for who I am.

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