Your mid twenties daughter has never been in a relationship therefore has never brought home a man to meet you.

What would you think of this situation?

What would you think of her?

Would you be disappointed?

Would you be happy?

Honest thoughts on this please

  1. I’m not sure.

    I certainly wouldn’t judge her. That’s for sure.

    Do you think it’s odd that you haven’t met a guy you want your dad to meet yet?

  2. Depends on how my daughter feels about it. If she’s happy I’m happy.

    Also she could be a lesbian?

  3. I would think that she hasn’t met anyone she’s that interested in (male or female) or she has,but doesn’t want them to meet her parents or she has and knows her parents won’t approve of them

  4. I’d assume she’s a hoe. You don’t bring home the one night stands to meet the parents, you bring the ones you think matter or that you want to keep.

  5. I have an early 20’s daughter who has never had a boyfriend. Identifies as asexual. And has light ASD.

    What I think about her:
    – Fucking proud that she switched studies on her own initiative.
    – I love her to bits, and miss her daily presence.
    – I am happy when she comes over and wishes she would more.
    – When I’m tired I keep my mouth shut, because I’m happy she’s there, but sometimes she speaks like a Gatling fun spewing information I have no energy to process.
    – In the rare moments she still wants/needs my hug, the world stops and I try to savour the moment.

    What was it you were worried about again?

  6. That she just wasn’t interested in relationships or that maybe she was a lesbian. I would be happy for the first.

  7. I would ask if (and hope) she’s happy with her life, and if not, how can I help. And leave it at that. She’s old enough to join the army, so she’s old enough to decide whether or not to date.

  8. I would think she is lying about being lesbian because she wants to be in the closet for being straight.

  9. I guess it’s better than her doing it behind my back and feeling like she can’t talk to me.

  10. She’s never had a boyfriend or just never brought them home? If she’s never had a boyfriend I would probably assume she’s either gay or just not interested which Is fine by me. If she’s just avoiding bring her boyfriend home I would be a little suspicious.

  11. Is bringing the boyfriend home supposed to be the first time I know about him? Ok she may be not willing to chat about boys with her old man but how about her mother? Her bigger brother, whom she hopefully would trust?

    Ok with whatever she does with her genitals, how’s her life in general? Is she graduated? Does she have a job? Does she live separately? How does she spend her free time?

    Why you pull out one minor fact from the whole picture and force me to think about it like it’s all that matters?

  12. My reaction would mostly be dependent on the apparent reasons as to why this is the case.

    I would hope that any daughter that I have in the future would be open enough to talk to me about anything but I am under no illusions. Some topics may just feel to sensitive to share with their parents.

    If there is no apparent reason as to why she has brought no one for me to meet, then the only conclusion that I can come to is that she simply has higher standards and isn’t settling for anyone that meets them. I’d feel a smidge of pride if that were the case. Though I think it unlikely.

    If I sense that any reasons may exist, then I would hope that she shares them with me eventually or finds a good friend to do that with. No disappointment nor judgement. Just worry for whatever plagues her.

  13. I mean I’d like to have a grandchild at some point but that’s not my decision to make. Her life revolves around a lot more than just men. As long as she’s happy I’m happy.

  14. My guess is she’s dating around with men she knows she won’t be with for a long time, and doesn’t want to share that with you for fear of being judged.

  15. I didn’t have a girlfriend until my early twenties. It was a combination of a few things. Being very shy and lacking in social skills is one of the biggest. But also to a degree because my dad was a narcissist and had no understanding of what privacy. Not saying that you are.

  16. I’d think she hasn’t yet been in a serious relationship. Young women these days can be laser focused on building their careers. My daughter never brought a man home until her mid 30s. They moved in together shortly after that, got married a few years later, and she was in her 40s before she started making grandchildren.

  17. She has other goals than a relationship. Perhaps you raised her to be strong and independent focusing on her education and career. Not uncommon nowadays.

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