r/sex I want oral sex, but my bf doesn’t want it. I know he loves me and finds me attractive, but I feel like he only wants my body when he wants it. Not when I want him. Is it weird that we are incompatible sexually even though we love each other? I want to be his wife and have his kids, but I also want to have pleasure. I’m 23 and have never had oral sex. I’ve also only had my bf as a sex partner. I want to experience things. I want to do what I have wished to do since I hit puberty. I just want to have mind-blowing sex before I turn old and grey. I write sex scenes for my books, and even they get more action than I do. Fictional characters! God, something *is* wrong with me.

  1. Sounds like he’s about to not get any oral until you do.

    You want to marry the guy. You want oral…if it’s not happening now, it’s not gonna happen when you’re married and then resentment sets in.

  2. Please break up and date men that you are sexually compatible with.

    If you like oral sex, you need to only date men that also like that.

    You will be miserable with this guy.

  3. Of course he only wants sex when he actually wants sex. If you’re not in the mood and he is you also wouldn’t want to be pestered and convinces, you just want your no to be accepted and not taken personally or made a big deal out of. If you get told no very frequently then you’re not sexually compatible. And if you don’t get oral because he made that a boundary then you need to accept that. Or if you can’t accept no oral and/or less sex than you desire then you need to break up. This is not the kind of things where you argue and compromise and make your partner feel guilty. And on the same note you also don’t have to feel guilty for wanting something your partner can’t provide. You just need to accept that you two are not meant for each other.

  4. He Is allowed to have boundaries and they should be respected. You are allowed to have desires and they should be discussed. You need to work out if its a seal breaker. If it is, discuss options e.g. breaking up, getting oral outside the relationship. Have you considered asking if you can pay a sex worker to do it, so you can try it. If the sex worker was female it may fulfil one of his desires at the same time and he could watch.

  5. simply tell him that youre not feeling appreciated

    if you have a bad scent down there, fix that. touch yourself, smell it.

    lick your palm and let it dry out, smell it.

    compare. is it stronger scent down there or not? if not then tell him to suck it up and make you feel appreciated

    maybe hes shy? it always feels a bit like a dare to go down on a woman, especially if you have caught just the slightest of hint of aroma, i had one gf that made me worry that i would never be able to go down on a woman again, ill spare the details.

    i would say, if youre smelling nice and hes sexually experiences- maybe hes just egocentric, many egocentric guys exist who simply wont give oral because they feel it devaluates them or something like that, its not confident in my opinion, its men who try too hard to be confident. ego is a major killer to relationships, test if hes egocentric otherwise. if you wanna test if hes downright a narcissist, ask him “why” a lot and see how he reacts, a narc hates being questioned.

    no oral from the guy is a typical trait of an abusive relationship, its a red flag in my book. he should want to give you pleasure- both should in a relationship.

  6. If he doesn’t like or want to give oral, that’s fine its his choice, if you want to have sex but he doesn’t that’s also fine he’s his own person and it’s important that both people want it. That being said if you’re not happy with him sexually and that’s important to you then you might need to break up jf you can’t find common ground. You deserve to get what you want without forcing it on someone else. If you love each other that doesn’t have to change, I love some of my friends but I’m not fuckin them.

  7. You aren’t dating the right man. He’s not a match for you. You’re lying to yourself and wasting your time and his.

  8. Do not marry into a sexually dissatisfying relationship.

    It will not get better AFTER 23 lmao

  9. Nothing is wrong with you. You deserve the things you want and you got enough time to find it for yourself. Go for it

  10. If he absolutely refuses & it’s something you want & need in a relationship, your options are severely limited. Jeez I luv doing a thigh dive on my wife, multiple times a week, & I’m 67.

  11. Three main reasons why guys don’t give oral to women:

    – They are ignorant of the fact that a lot of women need oral sex.
    – They do not care about your sexual pleasure and are selfish.
    – They cannot do it because of smell, taste, texture etc. and are too bad at communication their needs.

  12. There is NOTHING wrong with you. You like sex, you want to try out new things and your boyfriend is the person to do it with. 100% normal. Love and sex are two different things. So just because you love each other doesn’t mean you are sexually compatible.

    As hard as it is for me as a man to understand why would a man not want to go down on his girlfriend, you need to let him know you want to be eaten and if he doesn’t then you won’t suck his dick anymore. I bet you that will make him reconsider. But talk it over with him and let him know that’s important to you and he needs to consider it even if he doesn’t like it.

  13. I legitimately don’t understand why guys don’t do oral. I could go down on a woman and enjoy the hell out of it so much I wouldn’t need anything in return.

  14. It’s not you. He needs to mature, if he doesn’t know he needs to ask so u can both explore what feels good

  15. Seriously, no women should date a guy who will not eat her out. Not eating ass is suspect too

  16. Dump his dumb ass he’ll figure it out

    If you want to be nice give him one last chance, “eat my pussy or I’ll find a man that will”

  17. Sometimes his touch makes me feel weird. We fought last night and now we’re fighting again. What do I do? I love him and want to make a life with him, but I’m young and have never had any other partner except for him. He’s only ever had me, too. I’m enough for him, so why is he not enough for me?

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