I’m a junior in college about to be a senior. For the first two years I had a great friend group who I did everything with. Especially during Covid where we had a bubble. However, junior year one of my friends made new friends and we slowly stopped hanging out bc she stopped inviting me to things. Then the other friend in the group also became friends with them and stopped hanging out as much. I do have other friends who are amazing but this was just my core group since freshman year and it’s falling apart and makes me feel so alone and that I did something wrong. I feel like I’m the only one in the group that cares and isn’t sad about this. I know friendships come and go but it just feels so unfair. I don’t want to go into senior year with my best friends feeling like strangers and I just don’t know what to do or how to cope with this feeling.

  1. Man I feel you! I just graduated last year and I had a very good friend group on college, but that all changed after graduating because some people just get busy with life and lose touch… kinda hard to get everyone back together

  2. Yeah unfortunately it happens. My entire group left me too and I don’t know why.

  3. It’s sad but it happens. I’m really sorry but there’s nothing much that you can do about it to be honest, if nobody else is making any effort to connect.

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