A couple of days ago I got broken up with and my whole world has been upended at least it feels that way. So I am writing this post in search of advice and to make friends because I could really use both of those things right now. Just so you know a little bit about me I’m going to be 21 soon and I’m from California. I enjoy gaming on my PS4 and chilling in the metaverse on the Oculus. I also enjoy binge-watching shows/movies and listening to music. I also suffer from depression, anxiety, anxiety / panic attacks. But overall I’m rather friendly and I care a lot about people. Hopefully whoever reads this post maybe some of you can help me I would surely appreciate it. Hope everyone has a lovely day.

1 comment
  1. Hey bud. Break ups suck for everyone. It hurts now, but know that is normal. Focus on doing your hobbies and your work/school. Keeping busy is the best way to recover and meet a new partner

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