Man this is honestly so pathetic lmao

  1. You are 15, don’t worry, you have a long and wonderful life to look forward to. Enjoy your youth and don’t be so tough on yourself. Life will be filled with highs and lows, how you respond to them is what defines who you are. Good luck to you. Life is good.

  2. Stop chasing attention, approval, reassurance, or validation from others. Learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with people on the side. Chase excellence, not people.

  3. Well, try getting really good at a sport and workout a bit to get in shape. Go shopping for nice clothes (not expansive but good looking ones) – you could keep basic such as a black shirt with khaki pants (not the office ones) and a nice pair of shoes. And talk like you donā€™t care, like smoothly, without passing a nervous vibe.

  4. No worries. I was there too. “You are enough” is the motto we all need. I couldn’t even recognize interest at all. I was very depressed and anxious too.

    DGAF is the best advice. Roll with things gracefully. Put on a good mood and spread positive vibes.

  5. I was in a similar position, but realize that you are extremely young. That was around the time when I started the whole self-improvement thing and the number one thing that helped me the most was lifting. I suggest to start lifting seriously and eating right to get big. This will pay off in so many ways that you can’t even imagine.

  6. That’s pretty normal, and you shouldn’t be looking for that kind of thing.

    Girls don’t typically compliment guys, and even when they do it’s to achieve a certain effect, both of which are probably not the scenario you’re looking for.

    The only times I ever witnessed a high school girl compliment a guy was

    A) when they were complimenting a kid in our year with Down’s Syndrome for being lovable. I mean, it was true, but, probably not the type of compliment you’re trying to fish for.

    B) And also when they tell people “you’re such a nice guy!” or “you’re such a great friend!” which is a girl’s way to reject you without telling you outright.

    When you get older you’ll get genuine compliments from women, but that comes later. For now, don’t even look for it.

  7. You probably wonā€™t until youā€™re in a relationship with one. Women are not socially programmed to compliment men, the way that we (often) are to them. A ā€œgentlemanā€ should hold the door for a lady and tip his cap. A ā€œladyā€ must never speak to a man unless spoken to first. Even though weā€™re trying to break away from this sort of social structure, that stuff is still hardwired in.

    And if you started receiving a bunch of compliments tomorrow, you wouldnā€™t believe a single one. I can guarantee that.

  8. I canā€™t remember getting a complement from a girl until I was 19. Iā€™m 47, it gets better.

  9. People donā€™t commilient that often, your only 15. Donā€™t stress too much about it.

  10. yeah iā€™m 15 too and i donā€™t think iā€™ve gotten a compliment from a boy. it sucks that no one really realizes i exist

  11. Dawg Iā€™m 21, in college, very introverted. I hardly see any girl make a compliment to a dude unless itā€™s about them being crazy(in a good way) or funny. No girl will compliment you for you looks.

    Focus on doing what you love and pursue it. Iā€™m in the same place you are but you have to just do the things that make you happy. Youā€™ll be ok

  12. i am 26, and also, never got one. Real life is different from tv shows bro.

  13. No offence but would getting a compliment stop your self loathing? lol Itā€™s easier to point out the things you dislike about yourself more than things you like about yourself. Donā€™t be too harsh on yourself.

  14. 15 feels like a long time because it’s been all your life so far, but honestly, you’re still at the training wheels stage of your life.

    I’m 28. At 15 I was still in an all-boys school and hadn’t talked to a single girl. 15 is nothing, you’re a fetus. Your puberty is telling you to worry but your possibilities at this stage are endless. You can starting building yourself to become a person worthy of compliments if you so wished.

  15. Buckle your belt man, some guys die and never hear one, compliments to man are not common

  16. i actually used to when i was 15


    now im 21 and havent got one since i graduated school lmao

  17. Im older now but I don’t believe society has changed that much since I was young. Young girls don’t have much self confidence, they may project that notion in social situations but they most likely don’t have the balls to compliment a guy.

  18. Start working out bro, youā€™ll start receiving compliments from girls and boys šŸ˜‹

  19. Are you worth being complimented? Have you done anything worth being complimented for? If not then stfu, get your ass working, raise your value and your own self esteem.

  20. Who cares? I’m much prouder when I give myself compliments than when people do. I don’t seek validation, I do things for myself. Keep that in mind

  21. Get in shape. Get a good haircut. Be nice. Be social. The girls will come

  22. I grew up in a culture where girls complimenting boys would raise eyebrows. You’ll find tons of people here who relate to you.

  23. What are you looking for? Like how often do you compliment girls or guys? I don’t really think it is all that common and if so it is usually someone close like a aunt or grandmother. In casual conversation it is usually a celebrity – which is really just ways of people saying likes – Even then doubt that celebrity actually looks at all the twitter traffics can says today 1,000 people said I am awesome and 500 people said I am a dork. If they worried about external validation they would be a hot mess – looking for “likes” a good way to get social anxiety.

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