I have a stomach fetish, which is the best way I can explain it. I like when men with flat or almost-flat stomachs either have a stomach ache or feel mildly nauseous. But just them talking about their stomach is a turn on. Honestly, just them being “aware” that they have a stomach is a turn on. I can’t explain it but I love rubbing men’s bellies or them just recount stories of having an upset stomach, or feeling “full”, or just having any awareness of their stomach. If a man even mentions his stomach in a causal way I get turned on.

The problem is I’m super embarrassed by this. I keep it a secret from any and all men I am attracted to. I pretend it doesn’t exist. But I would love for someone im attracted to to know I have this fetish and indulge it somehow (obviously in a way that they feel comfortable). I just am terrified of people’s reactions. I’m very aware that this is extremely strange.

How would you react if a woman you were into revealed she had a fetish about anything having to do with your stomach? Is this so weird that it’s a deal breaker? I’m just trying to figure out if/when I should reveal this fetish to a guy I’m with.

EDIT TO ADD: tbh I was nervous to post this so thank u all for being kind about it. It’s made me feel better. I would never EVER hurt anyone and just to know you wouldn’t think of your SO as a freak actually means a lot to me. Thank u for your honesty tho every one of you!

EDIT TO ADD AGAIN: I genuinely want to thank everyone for being so kind about this. Literally, on an app where anyone can say what they think anonymously I expected the responses to be much more harsh. Thank you all for being honest, but still in a kind way. It sounds so stupid but it’s made me feel so much better. This fetish is literally at the TOP of the list of things I dislike about myself, and you all made me feel a little it less insecure out it. Ik it doesn’t mean anything to u bc we’re all just anonymous nobody’s hiding behind a screen, but these responses legitimately made me feel a bit better about myself. Seriously, thank u.

  1. I would probably try to tone it up even more lmao. I see nothing wrong with it, and it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker. I have a bit of a “tummy” fetish myself in that I love when a woman has a bit of a “bump” in that area.

    NO NOT PREGNANCY before someone starts. Just a slight bump.

  2. Of all existant fetishes, this one is very tame. It’s honestly no big deal, I have heard it a few times already.

    >How would you react if a woman you were into revealed she had a fetish about anything having to do with your stomach? Is this so weird that it’s a deal breaker?

    It’s not weird and I’ll be glad she can openly talk to me about her fetishes, kinks or fantasies.

  3. It may not be exactly this, but sounds a bit like mild vorareaphilia: “Vorarephilia, a typically erotic desire or sexual fantasy to be consumed or to consume another.”

    Source: my friend has Vorarephilia and has described a similar feeling to what you have described, although I cannot confirm they are directly related.

  4. >Is this so weird that it’s a deal breaker?

    It’s not the weirdest fetish. The worst part that’d likely be received is being turned on by stomach aches and nausesa. Nobody needs their GF banging down the toilet door for sex when they’re throwing up or having the shits.

    As someone occasionally prone to stomach issues you’d either be my ideal match or my worst nightmare (some things I’d rather not have attention brought to.)

  5. Being turned on by someone else’s physical discomfort or upset seems very wrong. The whole thing about wanting someone else to be “full” is also rubbing me the wrong way.

    Nothing wrong with being more attracted than normal to certain body parts, though.

  6. I had no idea this was a fetish.
    I bitch to my gf like every week about how my stomach hurts in one way or another.

    So if she were to say she was turned on by it, I’m pretty sure I’d be okay with it. As long as she wasn’t intentionally trying to upset my stomach.

  7. Honestly I’d be thrilled if my GF had such an easy fetish. If all I had to do to get my girlfriend turned on was talk about my belly while rubbing it I’d never wear a shirt again. Plus you could role play as a naughty nurse that nurses him back to health.

  8. I’d be concerned you’d poison me like that movie where the mom keeps her kid permanently medicated/ ill despite her actually being healthy

  9. Wow I’m the same way, I’m a woman too so sorry for replying. I never tell a man about the details, I just tell him it’s my favorite part of his body.

  10. If I solely base it on my experience with my girlfriend… Start looking for guys who are puppies (yes, I mean the kink) because I love getting belly rubs and showing off my stomach and having my girlfriend rub my chest and stomach as comforting pets. I can imagine the two working well together. The stomach upset part though… eh good luck with that one

  11. You wanting me to be nauseous is kinda fucked up, but if you wanna rub my tummy that’s aight with me. I could stand without the stomach ache tho…

  12. My gf indulges mine so I’d 100% be ok with it.

    (I didn’t mean I also have a stomach fetish. I meant she indulges my **other** fetishes)

  13. If my spouse told me she had this fetish, I’d start talking about my stomach all the time. Probably to the extent that I’d start worrying she’d think I was just being patronizing. I also love belly rubs so there’s that…

    This is a pretty mild fetish and if she (you) hadn’t described it as a fetish, I’d just think, “ok, this turns her on.” Nothing strange here imo, although I understand feeling embarrassed about sharing these details to someone you care about.

  14. I would honestly think that was odd but I wouldn’t be remotely opposed. As fetishes go this one is pretty chill I’d say, tbh if something that small was able to get my partner going I’d be all in favor haha

    I think you’ll find a large, large amount of guys are happy to go along with stuff their gf finds hot, even if they find it odd in the beginning. I can certainly say I did

  15. I mean, who wouldn’t want another way to turn on their partner? Nothing hotter than that! And like others mentioned, it is pretty tame as far as fetishes go and easy to rp. If you text a lot, virtual rp opens up more doors too.

  16. This is weird. I would be creeped out and probably end up ending the relationship. Just being honest.

  17. Honestly if it turned my partner on I’d fall over moaning about a sharp pain in my stomach and ask her to check my stomach for problems.

  18. Hi! As someone that has the same fetish as you (this being my old rp account) while some men do feel uncomfortable, most of them don’t care and are (usually) okay to indulge or play along with it.

    It has given me lots of cute/fun stories

  19. I have nothing to add other than I hope you find the lactose intolerant man of your dreams, OP 🙏

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