Myself (27m) and a girl (22f) having kinda been hitting it off the last few weeks.

I asked if she was interested in hanging out tomorrow (text), she responded this-

“I’d love to do that actually! I’ll respond to you later as I’m doing something today. I’m interested in hanging out more with you and what you suggested sounds lovely, I may be busy tomorrow though, but will let you know”

(she also even sent me a link to what she will may be doing tommrow so it’s not an excuse)

She has indicated she wants to spend more time with me irl, even skipping a college meeting to be with me earlier in the week.

She’s also mentioned me to her parents as well, who want to meet me.

It sounds to me like she wants to reschedule but it’s been a few years since I’ve asked anyone out.

Is this a rejection?

It doesn’t feel or sound it to me, but yeah.

  1. hmm for me? Based on her response… it doesn’t seem like a rejection at all. In fact, it sounds quite positive. She expressed her interest in spending more time with you and even mentioned that she might be busy tomorrow but will let you know. The fact that she provided an alternative and sent you a link to her plans for tomorrow indicates that she genuinely wants to meet up and is just trying to find a suitable time.
    Additionally, the fact that she has mentioned you to her parents and they want to meet you is a good sign of her interest and intentions. It’s always possible that she genuinely has prior commitments or a busy schedule, and she’s being transparent about it.
    It’s important not to jump to conclusions. It seems like she’s interested in getting to know you better, so be patient and wait for her response. but tbh it doesn’t appear to be a rejection based on the information you’ve provided o.p. but please dont get ur hopes up it’s just my POV

  2. It sounds like a complicated woman, who Im not sure a relationship with her is the best for either one of you

  3. Looks like you are in great shape. You just need to get some confidence. I understand having been crushed in the past but that doesn’t mean it wil happen again. However, if you come at a relationship from a place of low confidence and needing reassurance it will likely never work out.

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