While I actually don’t want to be a extrovert type social I just need a method on how to get work so I can pay for a therapist.

Because working alongside people drives me to a mental breakdown every now and then

And a tit bit of opened ghestalts about being unworthy if I can’t pay for myself

And I’m so fixated on being financially and spacially independent from parents that it gives me migraine every now and then

And more anxiety

  1. Well, I’ll talk to myself, since I minute of thinking “WTF IM I” does clear up my mind

    Calling myself unworthy of something is the ego talking. Self-importance but upside-down.

    Still, I may be uncomfortable and scared of social interactions, because of my past. But it’s proven that exposing oneself to positive experiences when scared can ease the phobia.

    I still prefer to be lonely, I still can’t really trust others. But I’m working on it, maybe one day it wouldn’t even be an issue.

    I still would try to notice when ego talks and I’ll keep it at bay.

    I hope I fix myself sooner than I go delusional again.

    This nightmare will end soon.

    It’s gonna be alright.

    God give me strength.

  2. Uber






    In 2022, you dont have to work for anyone or with anyone to make money.

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