To start off, i got involved with a famous female about a year an a half ago. We met organically and even though i found her attractive i didnt have any interest getting involved with someone who was famous. She on the other hand spent almost every night after we met texting me and calling me to get to know me better. Judging her efforts i decided to give it a try even though i had a bad feeling getting involved in a situation like this. We talked every day and night and for about a month and decided to start spending time together and see where things would go. She always said she was religious and Christian. She caught me way off guard after visiting her apartment the second time she came onto me strong and wanted to have sex immediately. I agreed but after the rush and us being naked she would stop me and tell me she wasnt ready, i was alright with waiting but i found it odd that this became a reoccurring event. As time passed we became really close, sleeping over etc and she was starting to say she loved me. She was always trying to keep her personal life private so we were never official in the eyes of the public but i was alright with that. What was weird is she refused to tell her friends about us and always called me her friend and her reasoning was she wasnt ready to let everyone know about us. She had a couple male friends and i never had an issue with them, im not jealous or insecure but one guy in particular always came off weird, he couldnt look me in the eyes would avoid me when i showed up, whole deal was off and i asked her about him but she always brushed it off. After some time i asked about one of her male friends i never met and she told me she didnt want to talk about him. Eventually i found out he was her ex of over 8 years and i asked her why didnt she just tell me and not lie about something like this, her response was she didnt owe me anything and didnt have to tell me. I chose to let it go and continue on with our relationship. She had a planned vacation to another country before we met and that was coming up so we spent alot of time that week together being her trip was for almost 2 weeks. The night before she was leaving we were talking and she mentioned that her ex wanted to pick her up from the airport when she returned and i told her that made no sense but i didnt want to stress her out before leaving so i left it alone again. She left for her trip and she barely talked to me when she was there, i figured she was busy having a good time so i left her alone, but i asked when her return flight was and she avoided answering that and then no response at all. She got home and didnt call or text me, i had no idea she was back i found out online from her community base that she was back for hours. I called her but she was being weird blamed it on jet lag and avoided me for 2 weeks. I get a call at like 2 am to come over so i head over there and go to give her a hug and she tells me not to touch her, i thought she was joking but she wasnt so i sat on the floor completely away from her. We talked and i asked her about her trip, her response was she was sick most of it but her friend stayed in and took care of her, i instantly knew something was wrong with her response so i said “friend”. She then told me her ex actually went with her and he took care of her. I didnt know what to say and i didnt want to fight so i left. I made it a point after that it was him or me, he had to be removed from her life or i am going. She agreed he couldnt stay, he wanted to marry her and be with her and it wasnt right anymore. Fast forward a year, I get a call from one of her friends two days ago. She tells me the guy i brought up in the beginning of this post is actually her ex, and not only is her ex they have been actively dating this entire time, he proposed to her, they were looking at houses etc. I asked her is this dude her ex she literally sat on the floor stared at the ground and started to blink excessively and wouldnt look at me, she said no he isnt that he hates her ex. This friend has shown me excessive proof this is actually him and they have been dating while she was with me. I feel soo many different things, i feel hateful, extremely hurt, depressed and confused, i dont want to believe what i saw but i know i cant live in a delusion. These past two days i have removed myself from her online presence and havent talked to her at all. I know in the end this is all my fault, i chose to ignore all the obvious red flags and pretend like everything was going to workout, i invested soo much and im hurt thinking about losing someone i loved but life is life. My question now is, would you destroy her image and expose her on the internet ruining her career for what she did, or walk away in silence? I for some reason still care about her and i dont want to ruin how anyone makes money but i do feel vengeful on another hand, i feel like i would regret hurting her career no matter what she did to me but this is eating away at me. Any advice is appreciated.

  1. I’m really sorry this happened to you OP, people can be incredibly hurtful at times, she should definitely know better at her age, she’s not some teenager whose trying to figure themselves out and made an immature mistake.

    I wouldn’t do anything in retaliation, it’s not worth it, you won’t gain anything but short lived satisfaction until the reality of the consequences would settle in.

    At least you know now that you can move on from someone who was never worth it and find someone more suitable. Don’t let current emotions dictate your actions, it’s really not worth it and you will not feel better after.

  2. get the dudes number and send him, tmz or equivalent media outlets, and whatever online forum EVERYTHING from a burner account on a prepaid phone. Then get closer with the girl who fed you info, cause she is a real homie for not letting you get fleeced like a starstruck chump.

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