Using a throwaway account because quite frankly, this is a rather embarrassing question. I have been dabbling with a new FWB and it has been going great. I have this huge fantasy that I want to do with him but I am having trouble telling him because it is honestly quite silly. I want to bring my 3DS to his house and play some warioware while he fucks me. The idea of me looking uninterested and doing something else while he fucks me is quite arousing to me, but I worry that he will find it super weird because it does sound quite odd. How do I efficiently communicate this out of the ordinary desire while preserving our relationship and not weirding him out?

  1. Based on all the kinks and fetishes I’ve heard of in my life, you shouldn’t be embarrassed about that! That’s not weird at all in my opinion. Sounds fun and I’d be in if a lady asked me to help her in that scenario!

  2. you might know this already (or maybe not?) but this is actually a common kink! i forget what it’s called but a lot of ppl like the idea of getting pleasured while doing something to make it look like they’re “ignoring” their partner. just present it like you would introduce anything new to the bedroom and say it’s cool if he’s not interested— good luck!

  3. He might like too, the challenge of making someone inccapable of doing what there doing can be a big turn on. Thats why we (me and gf) have a free use rule now. Just take when you want

  4. Physically mild, why is this embarrassing? It’s hilarious and hot at the same time. I saw porn even sexier, but it demands more work. Women pretending to be mannequins and staring straight ahead the whole time. “flexigirl”.

  5. Straight-forward would be the way (pun not intended). I might be worried if my sex partner was uninterested, but knowing in advance it was a kink would make me all the more willing to do it. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  6. It sounds like you wanna dabble in some free use type stuff. Look into it and see if it looks right for you.

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