I’ve been talking to a guy, 23M, for about 2 months now I think. We’ve had sex once and keep in mind I haven’t had sex or hooked up with anyone besides kissing in two years. I’ve never had a uti, yeast infection or bv until after hooking up with him. Is he dirty?? Should I tell him??

  1. I am a man and this happened to me. Hooked up with a friend in a whirlpool.

    She called me like 2 weeks after very mad as she got a yeast infection and a UTI and of course she thought I gave it to her. I went to the doctor, preventively got some medication, but of course we didnt hooked up after that albeit we stayed friends.

    She got married and after a divorce, we hooked up again a number of times and she confessed that she found out that she was prone to UTIs and that sex in the water was a problem for her. That she had sex in the beach and that got her really sick. That she thought her ex was cheating on her, etc.

    Her doctor eventually told her that at least the yeast infection and UTIs were her issue and especially rough sex and going back and forth from PIV to anal obviously was a problem, yadda yadda yadda.

    All this story to tell you there can be other sources to your infection, especially if you havent had sex in a while (PH changes, irritation, etc). However, by all means, tell him that you just were diagnosed with that, that you don’t know how it happened and he should get himself checked.

    Good luck!

  2. it might be his hygeine, or his size, or could be completely random. i probably wouldnt tell him unless it happens again. (source – dude here whose exes dealt with yeast infections)

  3. Hey I see a bunch of dudes in the comments so I (24f) wanted to chime in. You’re more likely to get BV, UTI’s etc when you or your partners hygiene isn’t the best. Even if it’s not the sole cause it doesn’t hurt for you and your partner to shower right before sex to minimize the risk. Some girls are just way more prone to infection sadly.

    Also, did you make sure to pee immediately afterwards? If not, that’s superrrrr important to do every time post-sex. It can help prevent infection.

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