I have a talkative coworker and it’s nice to chat with someone but I get totally drained from extended conversation. How do you let them know I don’t want to talk for a bit? Currently I end up just giving one word responses but that’s pretty rude.

  1. -“Can we continue this conversation during lunch ? I’m a bit busy right now”

    -“I appreciate our chats, however, it’s impacting my productivity , I hope you understand ”

    -non verbal cues, type while they are talking, look busy with work, only smile and nod while they are talking, most people will pick up on these and move on

  2. Set the boundary. It doesn’t sound like they pick up on subtle cues.

    “I have a break at (insert time), can you hold that thought and tell me then? I have to finish this project”

  3. In the past i think i made some people unconfortable by talking. One of the greatest strategies they did was giving me something to eat, and then they start talking and i had to listen to them. And i remember one time a guy just speak continuously so i wasnt able to talk about myself.

    But it looks like you dont want to seem to take over the control of conversation, you want to end it. Best thing you can do is being honest to your friend. You should just tell her that you had to work. You had to concentrate on your work and cant do that when she is talking.

    Being honest could be sometimes rude but unfortunately some people wont catch the clues so sometimes its better for them to understand.

  4. “I’m picking up what you’re putting down and that’s what I like about our talks. You caught me in a tight spot right now, let me get back to you in a bit.”
    And then initiate the next time so they know you mean it.

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