Air your frustrations, nothing is too big or small!

  1. I get rhinoplasty urges every now and then, but I don’t know if I really want it or if I’m just bored.

  2. Never enough hours in the day. I work full time, I’m doing online school right now, I’m a single mom to two disabled young adults. I try to keep up with friends and date and read and clean the house but there is always something more I could be doing, and never any time for rest. It feels like running on a hamster wheel sometimes.

  3. I’m getting kinda irate. Second game in a row my team’s had to cancel because the other team pulled out for one reason or another.

  4. Husband won’t retire so we can fucking MOVE! He’ll be fully eligable in few days. I want out of this state! I want the endless remodeling and the house not ever being fully clean(due to the endless remodeling and a lack of furniture because “we are moving. Why buy dressers *now*?”🙄) to be finished so we can sell this house and MOVE. Tired of his clothes being everywhere in our bedroom even though he has 6 drawers to put them in.

  5. Male coworkers complaining on the clock when the ladies are doing extra work to help out the whole team

  6. My bf is going to another continent in january for more than half a year. Until now, we lived together, now we have to pack, and I’ll live with one of my friends. I don’t know what will happen, it seems it’s bothering me much more, he is really chill about this situation.
    Also, I just started to develop symptomps of an autoimmune disease, nothing is sure yet, but I am frustrated, yes.

  7. My spouse and I make more money now than we ever have but we aren’t making any progress with savings because shit is so expensive. We have less bills and expenses but what we do have costs more. Inflation is frustrating me

  8. Compared to some of the other frustrations here this is pathetic and I think I’m actually more frustrated at myself that I am even frustrated about it. But, he hasn’t text back and well, it’s frustrating.

  9. I’m working on my agoraphobia and reading books on anxiety & agoraphobia. So many of them focus more on explaining what anxiety and agoraphobia are than actually helping on how to overcome them. I have a great workbook on agoraphobia. But even that fails about dealing with certain symptoms. e.g. When you are outside and get dizzy, you literally cannot walk. Not one step. Then what? This could have been maybe solved if they shared more examples *in details* so we could find some stories like whatever it is we are dealing with.

    Same with dating. Once I had to google “puking on a date” because I get nauseous when I’m anxious, it automatically happens, and no “if they like you, they will like you” helps with nausea and forgive me I can’t really have a conversation when I’m gagging.

  10. My husband and I were finally – after years of everything being hard – in a position where we weren’t struggling, and the UK economy just screwed us within a couple of months. I’m glad we got to where we were, or we’d be drowning now, but it’s just killing me that we were so close to being out of stress and recovering financially and now we’re just bobbing with our heads above water.

  11. Anxiety. I’m hours away from my honeymoon, at the airport. Yet I want to call it all off and go home. Why? Because I am *convinced* that our house is going to go up in flames or the housesitter is gonna fuck it up and let the cat out or the plane is gonna crash or the dog is gonna get sick. Something awful.

    But that’s irrational. I know it. I vetted the housesitter and left good instructions. Planes don’t just fall out of the sky. The cat and the dog are healthy.

    So I wish I could just enjoy myself.

    And I also wish my Ativan was in my purse and not my checked bag.

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