got a blowjob from a sex worker but wore a condom. what are my risks? i also feel immense guilt. when can i test?

  1. Very low. Oral sex already has lower transmission rates than vaginal or anal. If the condom was used correctly and wasn’t broken, you should be fine.

  2. Sex is a risk everytime a person has it. Get comfortable with that risk.

    HSV can be transferred condom or no condom as can other stds.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s a sex worker. You’re more likely to get an std from someone you know than a sex worker.

    Test in 3 months or sooner if you get symptoms

  3. Your risk is pretty low considering you were receiving oral sex and wearing a condom. Even with a sex worker. That said, it is still possible, mostly with STI’s that can be transferred via skin to skin/saliva to skin contact. Get tested after a couple weeks if you want to ease your mind completely. Being responsible and getting tested for the benefit of your future partners is also just the right thing to do.
    [Planned Parenthood](

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