Have you told a women you went out on a few dates with you didn’t want to get into a relationship? How did it go?

  1. It’s probably good to be upfront about your intentions before things progress…

    But it’s been quite a long time before I’ve been on a date, so I don’t remember tbh

  2. I wouldn’t do a “few dates” if she wasn’t the type I would want a relationship with. I would have quit it after date 1.

  3. No but I have done this to a fwb situation twice. One told me she developed feelings the other started to assume that I wanted a relationship just because we would hang out and cuddle while watching tv and stuff. In both cases I had told them from the beginning that I was not interrested in a relationship and gave them the possibility to opt out before we would have sex.

    When that occured I informed them that my mind had not changed and I was not looking for a relationship and told them it would be best if we ended things then and there. Went allright all in all

  4. Bruh, I usually know within the first week as long as no red flags pop up. If you string someone along without letting them know then you got no balls.

  5. I use to tell them right at the start even before dates that I’m staying single and if they’re after a relationship im not the one. Some thanked me for not wasting their time. Some made it a challenge and some flat out didn’t care and wanted the same thing (twb). It made life a lot easier and simple. Everyone knew where they stood.

  6. I said something like “I’m not looking for anything too serious right now.”

    Apparently, she heard that, the hamster started running lamf and she apparently concluded “Oh, that’s what he said to the other girls, it’ll be different for me”.

    No, bitch, it won’t be different for you. And she was very angry (for some reason) when she realized that.

  7. Wouldn’t even get that far unless I know I wamt to be in a relationship with them

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