For most of my life, I was an introvert who did not like to have friends or a social life, it is my 3rd year in university, and for the past 3 years I was mostly alone on campus and talked to others very few times and I was eating in the cafeteria alone.
I used to socialize and have friends but sometimes they canceled me or didn’t want to be friends with me, now I almost have no friends in university and I hate it.
I want to be the guy who always has some people and friends around me and others also want to be friends with me, but no matter what I do people just go away from me and I don’t know why exactly.
sometimes I go and sit with some of my colleagues but they cancel me and act as if I am not even there, I always respect them and help them with whatever they want but still alone.
I sometimes don’t care, just living my life alone (I am comfortable with being alone) and doing whatever I like but still have no social circles.
now even the new students who entered the university also see me as a psychopath who no one wants to talk to.
how do I change their thinking and make them see me as a sociable guy and get around me? I am tired of always trying to connect with them and putting effort into friendships.

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