What do you do if you win a billion-dollar lottery?

  1. Figure out ways to stay rich. Buy a house, then spend the rest of the money dating beautiful women and having multiple fwb and sex parties.

  2. Not tell a single family member.

    Start planning how to travel while continuing to work and potentially taking a sabbatical.

  3. Invest it in infrastructure, whatever that is. Everybody says “We need better infrastructure.” Or a football team.

  4. Go from being an obscure, totally unknown poor rando to an obscure, totally unknown rich rando. Retire from work on the best terms I can, citing chronic mental fatigue (truthfully, though not necessarily because of the job).

    There’s a less short than you’d expect list of people who would meet the same fate, subject to their own approval of course.

  5. Pay for the renovation of my grandparents’ houses.

    Buy a normal-sized house for my parents.

    Buy a low-maintenance house for myself.

    Put a significant amount into my retirement fund.

    Focus on my writing project and travel.

    Definitely stay a virgin for life because no one genuinely likes millionaires, it’s always about money.

  6. Pay for everyone to leave me the fuck alone. Then feed some kids in poverty or some shit like that

  7. I would immediately call a lawyer. Take pictures, photocopies, etc. Find out how to cash out safely and anonymously. Find a trusted financial advisor. I live a very minimalist lifestyle so I would take out a fraction of it to live and travel, while investing the rest into a diverse portfolio.

    My main expenses would be to buy a villa in the mountains for me and my family. A Jeep Gladiator suited fully for off-grid expedition and survival. I would get 5-6 of my dream dogs and rescue a couple more dogs to roam and protect my land.

    I would become a full time student again- try to get 3 different bachelor’s. Academic research, knowledge, and skill building is my truest passion. I would learn a million different topics, languages, and skills from professionals. I would use my knowledge and wealth to build schools, community centers, housing, and jobs for impoverished areas home and abroad. I would create charities to grant not-so-lucky children the opportunities and experiences that they deserve to flourish into well rounded humans. If I had a billion dollars, I’d be free. I could superhero the day and nobody would be able to stop me.

  8. Buy houses and rent them out to create some passive income generators if I ever need to fall back on it. No slum lord shenanigans, buy out expensive apartments or houses for middle and upper developments so I don’t have to deal with tramps flooding the residence or squatting because they broke the pipes on a crack binge and didn’t get them fixed in the time it took to make the complaint. No thanks to all of that drama, I’m good.

    The rest I’d divide between family and good friends, create experiences with them by seeing the world and going on those family vacations we’ve been talking about for ages. Maybe make some investments, hire a guy to manage things and make sure I’m not doing dumb shit like flooding money into NFTs or other dumb rug pull aids.

    I’d live life casually otherwise, I wouldn’t show off too much wealth. A modest life with flashes of luxury fits me just fine.

  9. Quit working, leave the country, build a house with stupid good internet, continue doing my work as a hobby. Get good health care.

  10. Pay off my parents house, my sister’s house and pay off my ex boyfriends house. Buy a nice house and turn it into a sober living for me and my friends. Travel the world on those backpacking tours.

  11. 1. pay off my parents house
    2. finish my time in the Army
    3. set up my retirement fund
    4. buy a small house in Oklahoma
    5. Buy houses to rent out at fair prices and use the revenue to buy more houses and rent them at fair prices so that I continue to be financially stable.
    6. Write my will for my eventual death: My money will go to humanitarian aid, my house will go to my niece, and the homes I built will automatically become the property of the tenants who are renting them.

  12. After getting my life in order and setting up a small business for some cash flow to fall back on, I’d probably start a nonprofit organization that helps homeless people get their lives together. Like give them a home, therapy, any mental health resource they need, all while at the same time lobbying congress to pass programs like guaranteed jobs, government housing, and healthcare for all. It’s not a good nonprofit imo if it isn’t working to eliminate its own need to exist.

    Tl;dr: I’m a dirty socialist.

  13. Ignoring the obvious “lawyer, financial advisor, accountant”

    I’d go back to school, travel around the world, spend a lot more time on old hobbies I had to give up, and probably start some sort of nonprofit.

  14. Nothing, because i will never buy a ticket.

    You have to be an idiot to spend your money on that-it’s one of the biggest way of telling you have a poor mind set, to believe your problems would solve by themself-

  15. Wait until Mar-a-Lago goes into bankruptcy then up for sale.

    Buy it.

    Kick everyone out.

    Convert it to a homeless shelter for immigrants.

  16. oh ive thought of this plenty.

    tell no one. change my name. drop all social media. change phone numbers. etc. just disappear.


    then pop up in some other country. probably italy or spain, as whatever the most common name for the country is and start a new life.

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