I’m in “the family business” so I started out pretty young, but people really do associate taxidermy with weird old guys in rural Oklahoma or whatever, meanwhile I’m a 21M in NY. My job is at least “interesting” to dates in my age range but off-putting to potential partners. One woman (second date) told me “I think you’re cute n nice n all but I can’t really get someone having a passion for dead animals.” etc . That’s like the 6th time now (And it’s usually not some vegan thing by the way, though perhaps it’s a income thing..?)

What can I do to secure a relationship – change careers??

  1. It’s up to you if you want to change careers. It will improve your dating opportunities if you change. That’s a guarantee. It’s not just working with dead animals that’s the issue. Taxidermy is also seen as inherently creepy by many outside the industry. Like something serial killers would be interested in. Jeffrey Dahmer was famous for disecting dead animals.

  2. Stupid idea:
    Is there a museum in NY with a large amount of taxidermic animals and student jobs? If yes maybe you could find a way to volunteer there and make connections there?

  3. Do you like alt and goth girls? You‘d be a huge hit in that scene, honestly I think that is a plus in my eyes

  4. A somewhat glib (and probably unhelpful) comment:

    I suppose it could be worse…

    Your date: So, what do your do?

    OP: I’m a mortician

    Date: Is that like taxiderming people?

    OP: Well, yeah!

    Date: Anyone famous?

    OP: (and then you make up stories about taxiderming notable people who have had unfortunate cosmetic surgery) and so kick start your career as a writer of short stories.

    Good luck!

  5. I’d emphasize the family business part. I find the work strange but it’s so cool I get to work with my dad and grandpa….. I’m mostly doing the paperwork…

  6. Female taxidermist side hustle here.
    Had a few odd looks but most people were actually super interested as I always described the artsy bits to it. It’s all how you sell it

  7. They’re loss, to the right girl it’s a selling point. I work in cellpath and work with body parts which I love. If someone can’t stomach that, then they have terrible taste and can’t be helped.

  8. Just change up your type, perhaps less new yorkie and more hometown. I am a woman and love taxidermy. It’s so cool. Don’t stop doing something you enjoy to attract a girl who will never want your hobby to be a part of your life.

  9. Go after girls whose families have places in aspen and yellowstone club, there are plenty in NY and they’ll find it cool. Also if its lucrative it may sound shallow but i would lean on that

  10. Someone I recently met: I’m the curator at the Muttter Museum.

    Me: That’s hot! Can we go on a date?

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