To put it more clearly, I can only talk to people when I have a specific and “obvious” reason to, like I can’t squeeze past these people so I say “excuse me” so they let me through, or for example if we’re having class and the teacher’s reviewing everyone’s work, yet they didn’t check mine by the time the class is about to end so I walk to them with it and say something like “hey, you didn’t check mine”.

I can’t seem to talk to people “casually”, like saying hi or adding to a conversation if there are people talking around me. But if I need something that can only be achieved through talking and there’s really no way to avoid it I can talk “just fine”. I still feel awkward as fuck but I can pull it off. I just can’t talk casually for whatever reason.

If I really try hard enough I can say something “out of the blue”, like let’s say there’s this person next to me in class that doesn’t know how to do something on this program that I know how to do, I can try to quickly tell them what they’re doing wrong, but it’s an awkward exchange, and I can’t turn it into an actual conversation, it just dies out once their “need” from me is fulfilled.

I feel like talking to someone out of the blue when I don’t really need anything from them or vice versa would be too awkward, like if a hare were to taunt a lion for no reason. You’d probably be able to ask them about something, but talking to them while making it obvious it’s because you’re interested in them? That would be hard, no? It’s just something I can’t seem to do. What the fuck is wrong with me?

1 comment
  1. It might just be a skill to practice. I often feel like this. My mind just goes blank and I get anxiety and am worried about wasting the other person’s time or saying something dumb so i keep it strictly business. I started paying attention to how other people approach me and how I feel when this happens. I never feel like someone is bothering me, usually I just see it as them trying to connect. Do they actually care how my weekend went or how my dog is, probably not but they ask to try to connect and find common ground. I try to reciprocate this to other people even though it doesn’t always feel natural. Eventually it gets easier to come up with things to say and it’s amazing the things you can learn about someone when you listen and stay curious.

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