Shit. I don’t think I like being around my partner. He’s been spending more time out of the house with hobbies and I look forward to him leaving. He’s short tempered and immature even though he’s 20 years older than me. We do not communicate very well as he gets very defensive and I get anxious and have trouble getting my thoughts out. I’m chronically ill though, and he takes great care of me and is a great provider. I guess I just suck it up. My late partner was so easygoing and understanding. I miss my best friend.

  1. I am sorry that you are going through this.

    >I miss my best friend.

    Maybe a dumb question, but I’ll ask. Have you said this to him?

  2. I’m sorry about what you’re going through, and I hope things get better for you.

    As to your partner, a hard lesson I learned, when I was younger, and initially flattered by the attention of older men, is that there’s a reason they’re into younger, it has to do with their immaturity, and need to control; and women their own age won’t put up with their nonsense.

    It would be best if you could get out, and move on to someone more suitable.

  3. Sounds like a tough spot, my dude. It’s important to acknowledge the care and support your partner provides, but let’s not forget that a relationship should be more than just practicality. If you’re not feeling happy or fulfilled in the relationship, it’s worth addressing the issues head-on. Communication is key, even if it’s a challenge. Try having an open and honest conversation with your partner about how you’ve been feeling. It’s possible that he may not even realize the impact of his behavior on you. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

  4. I’m sorry you’re wrestling with this. Is there someone you can call for support when they are out of the house? A hotline, employee support line, tele-therapy to have a listener? Ultimately, only you can know if the relationship is right to stay in or not. A support person may be able to help you by letting you sound out ideas and role play how to bring it up with your partner.

    What I do want you to know is: you ARE lovable, just as you are.

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