How do you usually know if she’s just leading you on or if she’s actually interested?

  1. If she is interested her answers wont be just “yes” but she will be the one initiating

  2. Sometimes you can’t.

    But if obvious she makes you a priority, then she’s probably interested. But what making a person a priority looks like can vary greatly from situation to situation.

  3. I was once in group of friends and acquantances and had to bail out to go get a new wing mirror.

    A girl there who I had only seen three times literaly jumped at the chance to go with.

    Do you think she was interested?

  4. If she is actually interested, she will make her self available to spend time with you, rather than flake, or make excuses every single time.

  5. I get it. Sometimes it’s hard to tell but like some of the other posts said when i girl really like you they often make it really noticeable.

  6. Actions > words

    If she regularly puts you in second or third place when it comes to possible options on how to spend her freetime, you might just be a good buddy to hang out with fron her perspective.

    If that is the case it is on you to dexide if you really are in it for that.

  7. Make a move, if she’s interested you’ll know. If she’s leading you on you still won’t be sure

  8. I would say ask yourself, does she communicate with you whenever she gets the chance (IRL or online)? Is she interested when you talk to her and does she make eye contact and pay attention to what you say? Has she brought up long term goals? I think these are real indicators, but it truly depends on the girl as well! Hope this helps! 💗

  9. One reasonably surefire way is to escalate and increase sexual tension. The majority of women who are leading you on have no intentions of reciprocating or doing anything that require her to put in any effort beyond the bare minimum required to keep you around.

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