To those that lost weight or got fit, what was the best thing about life after accomplishing that goal?

  1. I was never out of shape, but the thing I like best is just the functional capability and confidence that comes from knowing my body can do whatever I need it to do.

    I think there’s a lot of pragmatic value to being able to run, climb, jump, pick things up, etc, whenever I need to. I think that’s important for men. Plus, my fitness enables me to do fun things outdoors that I like doing.

    It’s not so much about looks or ego for me…if I had to look like a misshapen decahedron in order to have these capabilities, I would still do so.

  2. Its hella easier to pull when you are fit. Especially older ladies. My friend pretty much sleeps exclusively with cougars. We started calling him the vintage poon hunter.

  3. Feeling better over all. Fit better in my clothes.. I breathe better.. I recover quicker.

  4. Best thing is being comfortable in my clothes all the time. If my shirt is pulled up or my pants feel tight I’m not worried about it as much as I was when I was overweight.

    The other best thing is wayyy better sex.

  5. I lost 60 pounds and got in great shape & kept it off. The confidence that comes with it is amazing, women used to approach me more than i would approach them. Not breathing like i just ran a marathon going up 10 steps is a good one. Feeling good all around physically and mentally.

  6. I’m not 100% there yet but I’m 1/4 to my goal. 25lbs down so far.

    I feel better now and I don’t know how exactly to put it in words. Plus it’s put me in a better mindset. I look forward to going to the gym

  7. Literally every physical thing is easier to do from walking to running to carrying, everything is so much easier, not only that, but things that were at one point impossible to do, I can now do them.

    I was able to do maybe 10 push ups tops, but now after like 3-4 years of calisthenics, weight training, stretching, and boxing, I can do 10+ one-armed push-ups with either hand.

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