How do you train for the zombie apocalypse?

  1. I read zombie apocalypse books and pray for the great reset. A zombie apocalypse would be incredibly egalitarian and a welcomed change from the totalitarian dystopia we’re currently living in.

  2. Laugh what you want, but US DoD (or a similar organization in the US) actually has a guidebook on how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. I believe they even held a training exercise on the matter at some point.

  3. Cardio. Zombies can walk, so if you can jog for a couple miles or even a single mile, you’d be untouchable unless you get surrounded or cornered. Learn how to shoot, you need to be accurate to get headshots.

  4. Cardio and light weight training. Enough to support your own body weight plus some.

    Muscles require more calories and in an apocalypse calories are life.

  5. Depends. Are you training for when you become a zombie? Or are you training to avoid becoming a zombie?

    One type of training can kill a man, but they come back hungry for more. The other kind of training can make or break a person. But if they break, they don’t come back as undead cannibals.

  6. I don’t. The society would collapse in single-digit day at most simply because the vast majority isn’t used to hunting or foraging for food. Of those who wouldn’t get turned in the first 10 days, most would die of starvation soon after.

  7. Hate to sound like a grade school PE teacher but it comes down to basics. Look up your stats (age, height, weight, BMI, etc.) and determine your [physical fitness baseline]( For example, if you are male, 5’10”, 170 lbs. (77 kg), and age 28, you should be able to complete a 1 mile run (1.6km) in about 9 minutes.

    The idea is to work your way up to reach this target (if you’re out of shape) or maintain it (if you’re currently in shape). Same thing for determining how many push ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups you should be aiming to achieve (some look at military PT numbers as a reference).

    I would also look at books and videos that teach bush craft survival so you can learn how to live off the land and/or off grid when societal infrastructure collapses.

  8. I would hone in on my skills in lying still and wait for the zombies to bite me so I could get it over with and turn

  9. Cardio

    I don’t care how strong you are if you can’t outrun a horde you’re going to die.

  10. I am very surprised no one has mentioned practicing marksmanship yet. Knowing how to safely and accurately handle a firearm in a zombie apocalypse would be critical.

  11. I make friends with people and practice patience and friendliness. Those will be keys to survival.

  12. I make sure my body is constantly seasoned with alcohol.

    I’m going to be the tastiest corpse in my city.

  13. Get a few friends together, get drunk and practice lunging & biting at each other. You can switch off who gets to defend and hold the garbage-can-lid-shield-thing.

    *What part of Florida* are you from?

  14. I’m trying. But my list of preparations isn’t exactly easy to come by.


    What I want is a genuinely made suit of steelplate armour with a leather clothing to go underneath it. Watch zombie teeth go through that. Nothing pierces steelplate.

    A warhammer to go with it, or a halbert. Both are good for overhead swings and bashing heads in. Good reach on those, too. Perfect for fighting zombies.

    A cart and two oxens. Worst you can do is use a car – cars need fuel and are loud. An oxen cart needs grass, which grows everywhere, and it’s way more silent than a car. A freight bicycle would work if you add a trailer to it, but a hill is going to be interesting on that.

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