I, 22F, have always been the one to initiate things with men: aka initiate the dates, the flirting, the kiss, the second date, etc.

This guy is my friend´s flatmate that I ran into in the kitchen 3 weeks ago when I was at her’s. I found him cute and asked him out for a drink after 2mins of talking only. We exchanged insta. He didnt text so I did 2 weeks later and we had out first date friday. We had drinks and talked at a bar. we met up at 8.30pm and stayed together till 1.30am!! He texted me after the date saying he had a rly good time and didnt see the time pass. It was a very good date actually! I replied to him that it was the same for me and that id be up to do this again, he said him too. I then sent him a spotify playlist and we didnt talk since.

**TL;DR: Should I just wait for him to text me to plan the second date? I dont want to be the one to plan it. I wanna see that he is interested.**

  1. Match that energy and move on. If he wanted to, he would. His lack of effort is everything you need to know. Keep focused on yourself, the right person will be there when it’s time.

  2. I feel you and I felt like this for a long time. I think you should wait for them to show interest, before you smother them. Imo, some people need time to be comfortable around others, and I think maybe you’re pushing it too much and they’ll get overwhelmed and leave. Be patient, but don’t give it too much thought 🙂

  3. Then stop initiating. The person for you will initiate more. It’s true about all people, if they want to, they will.

  4. You should text him and tell him that you want him to plan the second date- asking for what you want is the best way to get what you want.

    People misinterpret signals. If you don’t do anything, he will probably assume you’re not interested and move on.

    If you want him to initiate things, telling him what you mean in simple and direct terms is the best way to get that. If he doesn’t take that to heart, you tried your best and should feel free to move on.

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