It’s been two years. TWO YEARS. And I still think about her often. I don’t have any interest in getting back together or reaching out. All I want to do is move on. It’s completely destroying my confidence and drive to be with other women. I’ve been with two girls since it ended but both times it felt forced.
Like I was expecting the same affection that I used to get, which I know is completely unreasonable. I just can’t shake the feeling of emptiness. I figured college would change that but it’s only made it worse. I genuinely don’t know what to do at this point. I’ll catch myself reading old messages and thinking about what it could have been. I broke up with her because of how toxic she had become near the end of our two year long relationship. But I can’t get over who she was before then. I just want to move on. What can I do?

TL;DR: I need advice on how to get over my ex after two years of being apart.

  1. Sounds like you have trouble being alone. Learn to love yourself and you won’t need you’re toxic ex to fill that gap. Wake up early, exercise, study hard, and turn yourself into the man you want to be and everything else will fall into place.

    P.S. You are 18 years old. There are women out there that your ex couldn’t even compare to.

  2. Delete the messages, stop looking. They’re not helping you.

    I’d also suggest some therapy to work through your feelings. Does your college have any resources?

  3. You’re so young!! You will move past this. Don’t go looking for anything just do you. Go to school, work, the gym, time heals all wounds and by the sound of it, she was your first. The first one sucks and u will always remember it but it gets better and you will learn so much!! I wish 40 year old me could show u but it’s all about growing up!! I have high hopes for you my man, think about this in 5 years and it will all be a memory!! Hugs

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