I’m continuing to record sound effects for my short film and going to a family friend’s 18th birthday party. Other than that play some games (Jusant, Starfield) and some movies/TV. You lot?

  1. Fireworks tonight with my daughter, work tomorrow and hopefully find some time for Early access to mw3 story

  2. Moving firewood, painting a elderly neighbours shed if the weather is decent, starting an assignment for my level in housing.

    All in all a bit dull but practical.

  3. Fireworks tonight.

    Tomorrow new bar/restaurant opening night. Seeing some friends as well for a few drinks before.

    Sunday, probably a morning walk, football, maybe see some other friends and make a big dinner.

  4. Ordering lots of takeout and booze and licking my wounds, as the buyer of my house im selling has pulled out after 8 fucking months of mental torture and stress, fuck the home buying process in England

  5. Got a few hours of ‘open house’ viewings tomorrow as the building my flat is in goes to Auction next week so that will be fun. Apart from that I’ve absolutely no plans and it’s going to be gloriously lazy

  6. Bonfire night thingy tonight, my kid’s first one (we were out of the UK last year and he is only 1.5) so will be interesting to see if he is ok with the fireworks! Meeting up with some friends there.

    Going for brunch with my wife and kid tomorrow morning then potentially for a walk with my wife’s friend and her fam (I might be able to get out of this one!)

    Going for Sunday lunch or dinner at my in laws on Sunday.

    In between all that I need to hang some pictures and do some cleaning. And, if possible, I will chill out and play some PS5 will vaping some high grade.

    I may also need to do a couple of hours work at some point.

  7. Off to Lisbon in the morning. Spending 10 days split between there and Porto. Can’t bloody wait.

  8. Village fireworks display on Saturday evening. Other half is involved in the organising so we won’t see much of him, and the teenagers will be off with their friends, so it’ll mainly be me and the 9yo eating treacle toffees and trying to stay dry in the drizzle. Have to get some carrots ready for the sparklers.

    Hoping the Sunday rugby matches will be cancelled as the pitches will be somewhat damp.

  9. Fucked off work early for a “quick pint”

    It keeps pissing it down and I’m now 12 pints down….

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