Women, what are you scared of voicing out?

  1. Humans are superior to wizards in the HP universe in every conceivable way except magic. Fight me.

  2. I’m burned out and sick of my job. But I don’t have a desire to do anything else either. I don’t know if it depression related but I don’t have anymore career related ambition. I just don’t have any “drive” like I did in the past.

  3. I have few redeeming qualities that make me a worthwhile person, my family is mostly dead, and my own health is falling apart which makes me basically invisible and easily abandoned by the few people I have left.

    I’ve been in therapy my entire life, and while it is uplifting, there is very little a therapist can do to increase a deceased support system. Chosen family can choose to abandon you (which they have because I’m not fun anymore), my in-laws are Facebook conspiracy theorists, and my friends have their own families.

    But I’d almost rather be alone than have anyone witness this phase in my life. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  4. I’m tired of being stared at for my weight and the ongoing expectation that I need to be a size 0 or I’m unhealthy and going to die.

  5. Honestly anything controversial. I struggle to say things that I know are unpopular but I’m working on that

  6. There’s been a few times when I wanted to say “fuck off” to guys who weren’t getting the hints to back off & leave me alone. But then there’s always the fear of violent retaliation. So nervous “no thank you”s it is 😅

  7. Our society has gotten extremely violent and I’m uncomfortable with how readily people will unleash their worst demons in retaliation to any negative stimulus. Someone bumped into you and was a bit rude about it? Better punch their face in and kick them in the ribs after they go down. I’m scared to inconvenience people anymore because they might just decide to kill me.

  8. I’m in a weird mental space that has led to me neglecting my body and how I look. I kinda hate myself now. I hate mirrors I hate being perceived i hate how I feel in clothes. I’ve never been in such a state before. I feel like I’m drowning.

  9. I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me to untangle a lifetime of neural wiring laid over and over, and reinforced over on itself. There are stubborn and deeply rooted aspects of everything that makes me, me – my own identify – that need to be worked through, like my toxic self-regard and a myriad unhealthy coping behaviours.

    But I don’t think I can actually pull it off. I feel as though I’m destined to live this pattern on repeat, never being able to break out, no matter how many of the “right things” I do or the “right people” I talk to.

  10. I’m incredibly uncomfortable with how society is becoming overtly woman-hating and denying women’s experience. Talking about that makes me an “annoying” “man-hating (even when I’m just talking about what men DO to women)” or an “obnoxious feminist.”

  11. I’m scared but very excited to have my son next year in March. I get the slightest bit of guilt and regret since I have a severe mood disorder and thought I was doing a very wrong thing. My doctors are AMAZING and helped me through it.

    I’m also afraid of even talking about breast feeding as I’ve gotten verbally assaulted for not even being able to use my own supply. I KNOW I won’t like breastfeeding, but I at least wanted to use my own supply. Now I can’t even protect him with my own antibodies. Just makes me feel utterly terrible that I can’t keep him healthy in that way.

  12. I hate my job, I changed positions within the company after 10 years and I regret it soooo bad

  13. That I’m just tired and burnt out. I don’t want to work anymore. I don’t want to climb the ladder anymore. That I’m fucking up my kids mentally and I really don’t feel like a good mom/worker 90% of the time. I distract myself with stupid shit so that I don’t have to face my own self. I’m petrified of dying and not knowing what happens after – or leaving my loved ones here. I’m scared my kids won’t want anything to do with me when they’re older – or what the heck I’m going to do with myself when they don’t need me anymore. I’m scared I’m so mentally drained and fucked up that I won’t ever really be able to be happy anymore. I just work, take care of my kids, sleep, do house chores, squeeze in time where I can with my fiance. And it all feels empty. I rather not work and spend time with my kids and my hobbies.

  14. I get chest pains from anxiety and it makes me feel like i’m having a heart attack (i went to the doctor and nothing is wrong). I’ve been trying so hard to hold myself together but not doing such a good job.

    I have had such a hit to my confidence recently I think in my heart i don’t believe I am good enough for my job anymore.

  15. Fear of literally doing my job. This has been the most stressful job that I have ever had and I hate doing it. I hate being proactive with this job and I’ve been told to suck it up. I can barely talk to anyone about and no one seems to understand. I just want to talk to someone that gets me and helps me understand why I’m feeling this way.

  16. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, even though I always say that I’m confident achieving the job I want. (graphic designer)

  17. I’m wired for an open-relationship mentally, but not physically.

    I love my husband and have been happy with our emotional connection for the 11 years we’ve been together, and opening the relationship will be too much of a risk of ruining what we have together. I also don’t have the physical desire or energy to have sex with multiple people, or go on dates. But the best way to kickstart my sex drive is to be have multiple flirtations going on at any given time, with the idea that I could have more than one partner if I wanted to.

    It’s not fair to lead anyone on, and I could never betray my husband by flirting with anyone behind his back, so I have been a good wife and practiced monogamy for our entire relationship. But I’ve been lacking in the libido because my sexual desire seems to be derived from being desired by more than just one person.

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