When did you make a comment that got taken completely out of context?

  1. “I dont enjoy rap*ng other men”

    This was at work years ago and I think call of duty had something to do with the conversation

  2. There was a guy on r/ amiugly (who was clearly hot as fuck.. and sexy with beautiful flowing blonde hair with a single cute little braid on his neck and broad shoulders and the purest blue eyes and the softest looking skin…) and he was like “i feel so ugly all of the time. I know i am. Just tell me” and i was actually sexually attracted to him- and im straight. Im a married guy… and I legitimately felt something for this random dude. And I couldn’t resist the urge to write:

    “shut the fuck up bro”

    And they banned me for life.

    It was meant to be a compliment. As he is hot. But the mods thought i was just being hateful. I wasn’t. Maybe not out of context… idk. Maybe just misunderstood. But what the hell. Here it is anyways…

  3. Nearly a quarter of what’s commented on reddit.

    I gave a comment letting someone they know they didn’t need to be ashamed of feeling unsafe alone around guys. Two seconds later I get a reply from some random person saying “what if she was afraid of black people you RASCIST!” I said nothing about race, hatred, or anything even close to it.

    I was also accused of trying to pick up women on Reddit for posting a question that was on here to an ask women sub, saying I was using “sympathy as fooder.” I give those kinds of responses to both dudes and women on here.

    Get in between anyone and their mob mentality in here and you’ll have a fun time.

  4. I was taking the public bus to school one day and the driver slammed on the breaks so hard that some dude got sent flying forward. Not only did I catch him from falling, but i caught his waterbottle mid airborne flight. Literally looked like an opening scene of an action movie.

    I explained this story to my first ex, and…. she somehow interpreted it as I punched the kid and his water bottle went flying and I proceeded to laugh after punching. I don’t know if I happened to speak a different language explaining this because she interpreted it that wayyy differently and she went home crying. I somehow became a villain for the rest of the week.



    Edit: she finally listened to the correct story at the end of the week and she felt stupid for the inaccurate interpretation, at the cost of being angry with me for the week lol.

  5. I said,

    ” Just smear alot of lube on it and cram it in. It’ll feel like its bottomed out but keep pushing hard while twisting it a little one way and the other. It’ll pinch a lil bit, but it’ll go right through.”

    We were feeding wire through a short run of conduit. I got the weirdest look from my helper before i realized how it sounded. My helper was female. I’m still surprised i didn’t get hauled into HR.

  6. Oh this happens to me all the time. Usually the other person is projecting their emotions into the conversation and leaving me to deal with it and other times my responses are shirt because i can see the it probably doesn’t warrant more but there ends up being an expectation of more detail.

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