Dad’s of reddit how far are you willing to go for your child.

  1. A lot depends on what the situation is. I’m willing to go damn far for her and do what is needed to ensure she has an easy, successful, loving life at my own expense. The same goes for what my wife would do (and what I’d do for her).

    But there are caveats that I have to weigh against what is possible at the moment and whether or not I able to provide an alternative. I want her to have the best time (educationally, nutritionally, entertainment) at the best daycare (low kid to “teacher” ratio), but that isn’t possible. I want to spend all my time with her like a stay at home parent, but I’m the “breadwinner” so I *must* go to work.

    The things I can control is to ensure she eats healthy at home (tries new foods, homecooked meals), that I’m always engaged with her when we’re talking, playing, or cuddling. That I hug her, kiss her, and tell her I love her even if there’s no reciprocation. I’m willing to drop any hobby I have and ensure that she will always have my undivided attention.

  2. When I had my kids it wasn’t so much that I’d die for my kids. That’s a given. It’s that I would *kill* for my kids.

  3. I’d go farther for my child, niece, or nephew than any other human on the planet. I’d become infamous if that’s what it took.

  4. I do not understand how a rapist isn’t killed by a father. I’d go to jail without question to kill anyone that traumatized my child. hell I’d go to jail just to kill that rapist in jail.

  5. It’s easy to say you’d die for your kids. But the real measure is giving your life to them every day, hour by hour.

  6. Im willing to die for them. Let them have the opportunities, support and life i never had.

  7. I am positive that if anyone ever did anything to my kids, no one would find bodies.

  8. The list of things I would or wouldn’t do to ensure the best for my daughter is very, very short

  9. I mean I’ve already wiped shit off their asses for years and saved them from choking to death on multiple occasions. I’d take a bullet for them:

  10. Bro I’m only an uncle but I swear there isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for my niece. If I find out that she’s being abused by her dad (just an example, I don’t think he is) I’d do everything in my power to ensure he can’t get anywhere near her ever again. So I imagine if I ever have my own kid I’d be pretty similar, willing to do anything for them.

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