I, (29m) love my fiancee (28f) but…

We have problems in bed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very attracted to her and tell her she’s beautiful all the time. She’s a wonderful person who does everything she can to make sure I’m taken care of and I’m honestly lucky and honored to have her in my life. I really, really love her. But there are times we’re going at it and I just can’t finish. I don’t know if it’s my mental health meds or what else it could be, but it’s bothering me. I just run out of steam before I can finish, and often times I can come very, very, VERY close, but my body just gives out, or I keep going and then just can’t finish the job. She always tells me it’s okay, but I want to be able to finish for once in my life, you know? We want kids someday, but if I can’t finish, I don’t see that happening.

Tl;dr: can’t finish inside my fiancee anymore and it’s bugging me

  1. That is a side effect of some antidepressants. I experienced it as a woman. It has nothing to do with your attraction. I would talk to your doctor.

  2. Same problem here. No issue with morning wood or with porn. Doc says it’s all in my head.

  3. Yo. Don’t give it much thought. Get lost in her and enjoy the moment with your partner. Respectfully if you can not do that then it is all good but you do need to find the right person

  4. Go see your dr and get a physical. Could be something as simple as changing your meds.

  5. If it happens with her, would you not think it will happen to anyone else? I totally agree with that t being the meds but can you watch a porno and finish? Are you sure it’s just not fear of something completely outside of sex that is manifesting in your bedroom?

  6. Would her riding YOU be helpful with the ‘running out of steam’ issue?
    My partner often is too exhausted to be the one ‘on top’ so to speak, so during those times I will ride him and unless I run out of steam myself, it is often successful.
    Plus the visuals of a woman you love/are attracted to going hell for leather on your body while touching her tits/ moaning etc can be very good at alleviating some of your anxiety of being able to finish. It can distract you from even having those thoughts.

  7. My Fiancé was on an anti depressant when we first met and he couldn’t finish inside me, he talked to his DR and they changed his meds, gradually he’s able to finish inside me, but it took a few months… be kind to yourself, go and talk to your DR and give it time. I hope you get the help you need.

  8. I literally stopped taking my anti depressant meds because of this. It drove me mental.

  9. It’s totally possible to get pregnant without finishing. I got pregnant twice and always had guys pull out, if shes quite fertile then precum can do the job.

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