So right when we started dating ( like the day of) he ranted about his ex for about 10 mins saying how he can’t believe he was so hung up on her and how crazy she was so to break the ice I said well at least I’m prettier right? To his response of well she had dd’s. Next two different times before I takes about how my boobs already stopped growing they are not gonna get bigger which I was fine with since I can run and do activities without my back hurting. Then his response then goes well my exes did don’t worry yours are gonna get bigger I’m sure of it. Finally I was talking about my weight and how skinny I got since I had surgery and lost muscle. Then he said that we will go to the gym then states how he only dated thicker girls and only like thicker girls. I asked him why he said those things only for him to go well the first one was a joke , the next two don’t make sense, and the last one was to say if I got bigger it wouldn’t matter since I wanted to gain weight. But honestly it makes me self conscious. I can’t help to think that is just kinda a lie but who knows he said his ex was fat and had saggy boobs and is no longer attracted to her/ was never really attracted to her and just settled. I asked well you broke up two years before we started dating why are you still thinking about her and stuff . For his response for the next couple months was idk really I don’t think of her never really takes to her and hung o with her for the past two years. For me to only find out that they talked everyday pretty much and flirted ( him calling her my girl and taking about how he wants to make her cum) from the point of them breaking up to us dating. I even found nudes of her in his phone from when him and his ex dated( in his files app and on iMessage) he claims to not know they were there. He blocked her on everything from the day we dated but I can’t help but to wonder if it took me two seconds to find that he would look at them. What do you guys feel about this? He claims that I’m his only one and are the first girl that he actually likes and doesn’t ignore but it makes my stomach hurt to think about tbh.

My boyfriend had nudes and pictures of his ex on his phone that he claims that he didn’t know they were there. Do I believe him or not if he blocked her on everything?

  1. The real question you should ask yourself is why are you with someone like this? ….

    Why are you with someone who makes you feel like a rebound and keeps talking about his exes instead of the future with you?

    Do you feel like a relationship should make you second guess everything and give you anxiety about your appearance?

    Know your worth. You deserve much better than this.

  2. Hi, I’m sorry you’re going through this!

    I want to stress something: everything you described in your post from your boyfriend is extremely abnormal, rude, mean and bizarre behavior. I’m not sure what your relationships before this one were like, but I just want you to know that talking about an ex that much in both shallow and hateful ways, comparing your bodies, and talking about your body in ways that make you uncomfortable, are not things you have to put up with. He may be a few years older than you but he is not mature.

    It’s possible that he has a lot of other great qualities as a partner that you don’t mention here. But if you were my friend and you called me and told me all this, I’d leave the phone call really sad for you and worried about you. You deserve better than someone mean and shallow who is using you to get over an ex that he has complicated feelings about. If I were you, I would do your best to leave this relationship. Easier said than done, but I’m rooting for you!

    Hope this helps!

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