Hi friends!
So I (20m) want a little advice. So at my university theres a girl (19f) that I asked out a few months ago, it was nothing to serious. We have a few classes together and we went to the same high-school, I knew her by reputation as being a really nice and chill person, and my friends have been pushing me get out of my comfort zone a-bit so i’m not as in my own head when it comes to talking to women and she seemed at least a little interested. And what basically happened was I asked her out and she told me she was flattered but she had just gotten out of a relationship and wasn’t in a spot to date and I told her I completely understood and we just kind of went our separate ways and nothing really happened besides her following me on ig later that day, but regardless I just kind of moved on not really expecting anything to happen.
Now jump to maybe a few weeks ago i’ve noticed her starting to look at me more often in classes and like a kind of awkward aura (hard to describe) whenever she would end up near me in class (we don’t have assigned seating so seats tend to fluctuate a bit everyday). My guess is that it’s nothing and most of my friends said to just be polite and if I have an opportunity to have a conversation with her talk to her and just kind of test the waters a-bit but don’t really force anything.
I would also like to note that since high-school I have lost a lot of weight and gotten in pretty good shape and am fairly muscular (except for a-bit of a dad gut thats a work in progress) and I kind of have a problem not really knowing how my appearance effects peoples perception of me. I was bullied a lot for being really overweight basically all of my childhood and I tend to have a bit of a problem getting in my own head at times.
TLDR: I (20m) asked out a girl (19f) a few months ago and she politely declined and we went our separate ways, cut to a few weeks ago the vibe kinda changed and i’m wondering if anyone has any insight on how to proceed without seeming weird.
Thanks gang!

1 comment
  1. Good for you for getting out there! You have balls man. If she followed you on insta and you can feel some kind of emotion coming from her, then she at least has your attention. If you’re really interested in this girl, then start off with something small. Ask her to go get coffee during the day so it’s more casual and she doesn’t feel pressured like it’s a date. If you guys hit it off it should be downhill from there. Good luck dude! I’m rooting for you as a fellow ex-chubby kid.

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