Hey guys, I’m a (25yo male) with essentially no confidence. I bodybuild, run 10ks, traveled the world. I’ve seen alot in my short life. The thing is, my past relationship destroyed me mentally. I let her take all of my confidence and I’ve never felt so lost in the dating scene. I don’t even have the confidence to approach women that are clearly checking me out. What used to be a fun getting to know each other experience just turned into such an impossible endeavor for me. I had a girl wave at me while I was dancing on the dance floor trying to get me to come over to her and my friend was cheering me on and i still didnt have the confidence to go talk to her, because something was telling me i wont be good enough. I can’t shake this feeling of thinking every girl will reject me. I guess I’m asking, how did you guys get back into the dating scene after a traumatic previous relationship?

  1. Because I do not emotionally attach myself to anyone in my life, including women. The one person that should be your best friend should be YOU. The person that you should love the most is YOURSELF. Unfortunately, you attached yourself to this woman in such a way that when she left you, a part of you left, as well.

    Sounds like you have attachment anxiety issues and you need to get professional therapy help on it.

  2. Start by talking more to people online, like on language exchange apps, that helped me build my confidence with talking to people 🙏

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