What are some simple ways you’ve balanced your hormones?

  1. Which hormones do you mean? For me birth control helped a lot with hormones, but with TSH what I need to balance it out is not stressing so much. Usually stress makes my hormones go on a swing

  2. Is ‘balancing your hormones’ a legit thing? I’ve heard it thrown around a lot lately and I’d be curious to know if it’s medically backed or if it’s one of those health trends that’s doing the rounds?

    And how do you know if your hormones aren’t balanced?

  3. Wild yam cream. I had to look for one that didn’t have synthetic progesterone. It made a big difference in hot flashes and night sweats.

  4. I think I was producing too much estrogen? It led to a 3 month long period with large clots and I’d bleed through my pants multiple times a day sometimes. But I started to incorporate more turmeric in my diet and the clots significantly lessened. But birth control is what seems to have fixed my hormones.

    I think it depends on what problems you’re having.

    You’ll get different sets of issues if you have too much or too little of certain hormones. For me, it revolved around my cycle and how heavy the flow was.

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