idk if its just me but im always puzzled on wht to say when i run into someone i know outside…”hi, how r u” sounds a bit awk/formal??

  1. Heya, howdy, how’s it going

    What brings you out here, long time no see, It’s YOU!!

    Depends on the person or situation.

    If it’s a shopping thing, I might joke about what they have in their cart.

    Sometimes I’ll just run and hide to avoid the whole interaction.

  2. I’m gonna wait here for some comments cause I’m usually awkward af.
    It’d probably say “how are you” and then try to remember the last time when I saw that person IRL or on the internet and ask about that situation – e.g. school, work, wedding, vacation, work, children, pets etc.
    IDK how awkward is that, but I think both parties already don’t feel very comfortable so it’s fine.

  3. Depending on the location, but I like this best: “Hey! How have you been? So what brings your here?”

    Honestly, running into someone outside where you’d normally see them can spark up some great conversations you might not have had otherwise, and you’ll both be able to relate to each other more (“We both do our grocery shopping at this same Target? Crazy! Have you tried the Kroger at ‘X’? What are your thoughts on it?”).

  4. Oh hey, *their name*! It’s nice to see you again, how’ve you been?

    If you have enough time to catch up

  5. Nothing I make brief I contact so they know I notice them and then go back to my business lol

  6. I do say, “Hi how are you?” And if they have a dog with them, “How is your pup? He/she is looking good!” I will hold my hand out to the dog. If they have children, I enquire about their kids, what the children are reading, and school. If it’s an older person, I ask about their health, their garden, their home. And I part with, “It’s good seeing you, take care…”. I try not detain them, but leave just enough interaction to create mutual “peace in the valley”…Oh, and if it’s a younger person I ask about school, and their friends, hobbies, games, teachers…

  7. “HOW DEEEE!” *followed by a deep bow*

    Most of casual social interaction is just about presence and energy, just sending good vibes more than “words.”

  8. if from a distance, i lean downward to the side making a “is that YOU!?” face. then to the other side, then i sort of run toward them with a “heLLOOoooo” and ask them how they are and take it from there.

    if from up close, i say “oh my god, hi! good to see you!” with a smile

  9. “OH HEY!! How are ya??” depending on their reaction to seeing me. If they look like they wanna be left alone, then I leave em alone. I try not to take up too much of their time.

  10. “Hey how’s it going!” And then either walk away or stay put depending on the person or my mood that day.

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