I’m just here venting , if you’re not so interested in us women then why can’t you just say so when we ask? Why make up so many excuses? Why do you take the easy way out and just ghost us? What happened to communication?

  1. Typically men that are vague or not “blunt” in revealing their feelings is probably because they’ve been hurt in the past. I know a lot of men get attached really fast and just can’t ever seem to shake the feeling. The ghosting is definitely more of a childish thing.I know that’s how it was with my ex.

    I was hurt way before, years and years and when we met, I was so avoiding any questions regarding my love interest st the time because it was her. It took me a long time to open up and finally confess because I was so scared of getting rejected.

  2. men ghost for probably the same reason women do: cowardice and they’ve probably had bad experiences and don’t think the potential conflict is worth it.

  3. When I am, I’m usually stomped into oblivion by being ghosted or faded. Maybe it’s because I suspect that’s about to happen again but point remains that people are duplicitous usually due to some pain from the past. Best to not be too honest about yourself or your intentions.

  4. Why can’t women be blunt or upfront?

    It’s not a gendered behavior.

    Being confrontational and disagreeable is not usually promoted in our society. Every normally functioning human being has some amount of empathy in them and rejecting someone doesn’t feel good.

  5. Why can’t women? I’ve been ghosted by women before but iv never ghosted anyone, I also had to lie about why I didn’t want to hook up with girls cause they became enraged when I said no thanks.

  6. Because when men are honest the woman can’t take it in a mature way usually and tends to just call the guy gay because she wants to protect her ego from the fact that he wasn’t interested in her.

    Women ghost too for similar reasons.

  7. When men say women can’t be blunt,try being me and you will find out how blunt they can be!!😅

  8. “Why did you have to be so blunt? Couldn’t you find a nice way to say it? You really need to learn how to talk to girls”

    I don’t know, why can’t women ever ask for what they want? Because I’ve met a thousand girls that I’ve replied to because they say they want “honesty”, I”v yet to find *one* that can handle it (the number of women that have gone “yeah, you’re right, I thought I did, but I didn’t” is comical)

    You want honesty when it’s convenient, you want people to leave when it’s not

    Better question: why do women not know what they want; why are women so vapid

  9. i started ghosting women because of an “advice” that women (friends and acquaintances) told me: “fuck that last message”!

    before that, everytime i tried to communicate and tell them it wont work, or something like that, either i got ghosted or insulted.

    So no, not anymore… fuck that last message!

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