My(26F) BF(27M) cheated on me.

I went through my boyfriends phone ( Ik, don’t scold me) and saw him talking to women and saw nude photos being sent to him. He has also been talking to his ex of many years plus is on a dating app. We live together and our lease is up in 8 months. I don’t know what to
do as in don’t have money to break the lease + find somewhere else to live and want to give up on life as I thought this was my forever person.

We have been together consecutively for 1 year but have known each other for 5 years, almost 6, on and off for various reasons.

I’m not a complete angel myself but I have never blatantly cheated on him while in a relationship.

Has anyone else been in this situation that can shed some positive light to help me keep going as I’m dealing with multiple other mental and emotional instabilities in my life.

TLDR: My bf cheated and we live together. How to coexist ?

  1. I’d break off the relationship. Make this a cohabitating living arrangement. Separate rooms, do things as an individual, and live out the lease. Set yourself up for later. Just for your own sake, end it now. Focus on yourself and get your life going in the direction you want it.

  2. He’s not worth your time. Break it off with him before he wastes any more of your time and effort

  3. I’ve been in this situation. I broke up with him but living together made that impossible. He didn’t want to end the relationship and I basically just decided to stay with him until the lease ended to make things easier. Do not recommend that. However, you might consider keeping this knowledge to yourself until you have a plan. Talk to your landlord about the possibility of breaking your lease and what that would entail. Is your bf on the lease? Bc if he’s not, even if your place is a 1 bedroom, you could get a roommate. Also not ideal but would be temporary. Explore any other options you can think of. This guy sucks so just focus on what you need to do to get through this.

  4. I am sorry, but there is no positive light I can show… I’ve experienced this before, and it was so heartbreaking. You can never trust a person like this ever again, even if you confronted him, and he apologizes… he will just do it again. Men and women like him will never change, especially at that age. You need to leave him, it’s going to be so tough, but seriously, you still have your whole life ahead of you. You don’t need this in your life, you need a partner who won’t cheat on you, and someone who only has eyes for you.

  5. I am so sorry that you’re dealing with this right now. I know how heartbreaking it is. But the bottom line is that this dude is a douchebag and you deserve better. He broke the trust and therefore the relationship. Not to mention it’s multiple versions of indiscretion. He is not and will never be a suitable partner for you or anyone. You looked though his phone because you already knew this. I’d call his punk ass out, end the relationship, and try to figure a way out. Maybe stay with a friend or relative? Screw him; you don’t owe him anything.

  6. Why don’t you tell him that one of your friends is on Badoo and has seen his profile.

  7. The problem is social media and everything is just so available. Dating apps seem to be popping up everywhere and they try to hook you in with fake messages etc.

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