Had really awkward sex with a girl i just started dating.

I don’t even understand what happened… or exactly how to explain.

It was almost like when I went to penetrate her we didn’t line up and was an awkward fit.

She’s not experienced at all and was extremely tight.

She works out and is in good shape, but her legs weren’t flexible at all.

So it was difficult to get in a comfortable position.

I’ve never experienced anything like this and I’m not sure if it had to do with her anxiety…. Once I got comfortable I didn’t last long because of tightness and was just horny.

But that was such a short timeframe and afterwards I was just confused on why it seemed so difficult

Has anyone experienced something similar?

  1. Probably she was virgin? Or like u said she didn’t have any experience at all. Did you try foreplay? Did you relax her firstly? Or just went all in?

  2. What? Most of us cum fast the first time or after not having sex for a long time. Happens to the best of us don’t let it get you down

  3. Wrong hole fooo!

    Just kidding. Yeah, a girl who is inexperienced can tense up. You can either go about it the way you did it to get your nut off immediately or stop and try to comfort and relax them so the sex can be better..

  4. The first couple of times you are with someone new it can often be awkward until you learn what the other person likes

  5. Was there foreplay and did you bother to get her off before or after? Sex is really difficult if you aren’t working with natural lubrication. She could have a number of conditions but this is the most obvious problem.

  6. Did you compliment her and tell her she has a nice body? Also see if she wants to be on top so she can control things, compliment her and tell her how good she is. (I’m an awkward girl who is insecure sometimes and a guy praising me brings me out of my shell more).
    I’d suggest intimate positions and eye contact with little kisses to start, then moving on to more intense/ wild stuff as she gets comfortable.

  7. Yes ! My first time with my current boyfriend was almost the same .. we worked it out and found our rhythm, so to speak 😝 . But it was funny , we both had a sense of humour about it .. that’s important in these type of situations. It took a couple of times though but it was worth powering through . Try a pillow or 2 under her hips … a tic tok thing apparently.. works a treat !!!

  8. Maybe try giving her an orgasm before you go to pound town my dude. She might be a lot more relaxed.

  9. I can definitely relate in this situation. Me and my partner were good friends before we became intimate. We took things pretty slow at the start and didn’t jump the gun.

    The first time we had done it. It was very awkward. Time after that was awkward. Perhaps it’s probably cause we were mates?

    Over time, it got a lot better once we got comfortable with one another. We’ve started exploring, and things got easier.

    Things like sex can take time to warm up, so don’t stress. Be open to her on your needs and also, most importantly, ask what she would like

    Hope this helps

  10. I’ll be brief and say that you a foreplay “session devoted entirely to her may be your answer..particularly if she’s your girl/long term sex partner. Additionally, direct compliments/praise BEFORE sex(think during dates/conversations) tend to be helpful for relaxing the mental anxiety of females. The bottom line is that women aren’t men so even in the case of “hook ups” MOST females require stimulation beyond our sexual organs (being well endowed actually used to sabotage me with inexperienced females). Lastly, I’ll share that when you take the bit of time relaxing the woman sex is 10x better!! So my suggestions are kinda self serving for men.

  11. Just like with anything else, you get better with repetition. Have her ride you, cowgirl style. Might be easier.

  12. Pretty normal 1st time, u dont know each others bodies. Some ppls anatomy just doesnt fit together.

  13. First time having sex with someone new is not always a dream. Takes time and practice to figure out what works best.

    Luckily, practicing is pretty fun!

  14. Answer: women experience discomfort (yes, even if you are small). Males believe that women like hard rough sex when in reality it’s about making the women feel the sex. This will usually cause a women to become more comfortable and enjoy more. Remember that you as a male simply need to penetrate (it’s easy unless you have a form of erectile distinction or have very limited experice with women) a woman on the other hand has to endure pain (specially if the guy is inexperience) and on top of that women are expected by our patriarchal society to be used as an object (the positions that men ask women to be placed in are sometimes uncomfortable just looking). Due to this reasons a man must not overly analyze a women specially one with little experience. Simply be understanding of her that’s all. If you can’t then she is not a fit. Remember pain does not equal pleasure.

  15. I (55 F) was married 22 years. With dating, I was with husband 25 years. Had sex several times a week up until the last few year and we were very “exploratory”, for lack of s batter word. Been separated for almost 2 years now and haven’t had sex at all. Then had an unique opportunity to hook hook with this younger guy and decide. “wTH.” We has a very sexual connection before hand so I was expecting mind blowing sex but was disappointed. Felt like plain ole vanilla married sex.

    I thought it was him but then realized that I had sorry of disassociated during sex. It was so surreal having someone else kiss me so I and my anxiety got the best me. I couldn’t let go and was also very tight. So when he asked to hookup again, I agreed if only to prove to myself that I still liked sex 🥴. The age thing really sux when it comes to your drive, changes in body, etc. So before we met up again, we had several discussions about what we like and what we want and don’t want during sex. Well, this opened up the door allowing our freaky side to come out. The next time was so freaking amazing bc he took charge like I wanted at times, and gave me 4 orgasms. I didn’t know I could have back to bs k ones.

    So if you like this girl, then try it again. This time communicate before hand. Now if she doesn’t have slot of experience, you might need to guide her along to help her find what she likes. Does she want you to ravish her like push up against a wall while pulling on her hair or does she want to take it slow- more like making love in a tender way. If she doesn’t know, then def start slow and testing the waters as you go along getting confirmation she’s into it. Can even make it a game like red, yellow, and green light where all she needs to tell you is the color if you are going in a good direction. No offense OP but make sure she’s actually ready for penetration. I do remember the guys I dated when younger would start kissing me and next thing you know they were in me before I had a chance to truly be ready. I’m not talking about sexual abuse cause I wAs a willing partner. I’m just talking about they were so ready for sex that there wasn’t enough stimulation using sone humping, grinding, fingers and tongue first.

  16. More practice required! You will both learn how to respond ..and you will be happily meshed in no time at all..

  17. Did you get her off with your hands or mouth first? How you described it sounds like she wasn’t very aroused, also “awkward fit” sex can most often be attributed to a lack of moisture. Her lack of flexibility was likely due to her being uncomfortable too. If she is anxious in general her body will respond accordingly. There’s also a myriad of physical things that she may not even be aware of that could contribute to discomfort such as ovarian cysts etc.

    Next time (if there is one) focus on making her comfortable and put her pleasure first. If she wants penetrative sex, encourage her to take the lead with what feels good for her. If she feels comfortable and safe her body will also. It will be awkward to discuss, but communication is key.

  18. Something ain’t adding up. Was there any foreplay beforehand? You came early as soon as it got going?

    Sounds like she was the one having a bad time bro

  19. Something ain’t adding up. Was there any foreplay beforehand? You came early as soon as it got going?

    Sounds like she was the one having a bad time bro

  20. Ask her how she feels the sex went. It’s normal that first times are awkward. Maybe she was stressed or didn’t feel the best that day.
    Also next time try a position where she has control. Dim the lights as well.

  21. If it was an awkward fit, it’s on you to find something that works. Being tight has nothing to do with being inexperienced lol. Move her legs around, kiss her, ask her what she likes! Sounds like you didn’t even try and you’re the one that’s awkward in bed bub.

  22. Lol, try foreplay next time… sounds like she’s not the only one who is lacking in experience here…

  23. And what’s so bad about having an awkward experience? Ever hear of try try again? Practice makes perfect??

  24. If a girl isn’t relaxed its not gonna be good sex, simple as that. She was probably nervous and you didn’t pick up on it. 99% of people ive slept with the sex gets better over time so if you like her i wouldn’t worry about and just focus on making her comfortable. Go slower next time, make out longer, feel her up etc. Don’t go straight to pound town. Could end up being the best sex of your life.

  25. Yeah it’s normal! I was dating a guy and I really like him so ofc I was nervous and I made it awkward but he decided
    To stop. After that we were fine. It’s totally normal and specially if she’s inexperienced

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