Ok so for context , i (19) am not shy, i can easily talk to people. and i’m not a loner..i mean i have one friend ..and i hang out with family a lot.
And i don’t really have a problem with it tbh..there was a time , earlier this year, where i felt i had too many friends (i was working at a different job earlier this year)..i didn’t know who to hang with (i probably sound like those people that say being pretty is so hard) and also with too many “friends” it just didn’t feel genuine. at times i think it would be cool asf to have a big friend group but when i think about it more..i don’t think i’d be able to maintain that. I’m content with my one friend and doing things alone a lot of the time, it really is quality over quantity.

But…a lot of the times i do really want a relationship…but i don’t really meet new people….
so after some reddit surfing, it’s been said that most relationships meet through mutual friends…
But i only have one friend ! and they aren’t the most social !

so basically, i have to start by making more friends.
and i’ve done some thinking of what type of friends i would like to meet……and those would be church people and star wars fans ……..now this is where the title of this post comes into play…..

I no longer believe in god….and star wars does not spike my interest. But i like the people in these crowds….

So look i wouldn’t actually lie about my interest, but i’d try to force myself to be interested ..just for the community sake of it ….

So basically how fuckin delusional am i? Ik i overcomplicate shit to the max. but thx

  1. Don’t fake interest in something to make friends. Make friends who share your interests.

  2. Don’t fake interests. People can see right through it and keeping up the mask is exhausting.

  3. Nope. Don’t do that. Over time it might make you resent them, especially when they don’t recipocrate (by doing what you would be interested while they are not). And when the resentment reaches such a level that they burst it can feel like a betrayal to the other person.

    Maybe i’m a bit socially oblivious and think if a person does not like something, they should say “no” or refuse. So it really hurt when my friend told me that most of the games he streamed (we stream games to each other) he disliked/wasn’t interested in and only chose them because it matches with what they know i would be interested in. It feel to me that i make them suffer.

    We tend to make a list of the games we are able to stream and then the other person chooses a game from the stream. I put only the games that i’m interested in streaming, so i thought they did the same. Apparently they put on the list games that they think i’m interested to see but they themselves might not be interested in streaming.

    >I no longer believe in god….and star wars does not spike my interest. But i like the people in these crowds….

    You could use your past experience with god and star wars as a sorta icebreaker, but do find other things you genuinelly connect with them. You like the people in these crowds, so maybe there is something to connect with them beside god or star wars. Why else would you like those people if not god or star wars?

  4. Nah i did this it worked for a whole then wen i forgot that was supposed to be my internet i jus kept digging myself into a deeper hole of lies lol

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