When I masturbate I end up squirting quite a lot. not just when I cum, but also a few little spurts every couple of minutes leading up to an orgasm. I won’t lie, I enjoy doing it but it’s a pain in the ass to clean up…

I’ve tried putting towels down, but they soak through onto my bed and leave stains. I tried only masturbating in the bath tub, but other people need to use the bathroom too. I’ve thought about getting plastic sheets to put over my bed, but I don’t want my parents to question it. Plus it’d be super noisy crinkling when I lay on it. The best thing I’ve tried is just having a glass next to me, that I can squirt into whenever I anticipate it, but sometimes it just happens with no warning.

Are there any tips for someone in my niche position of not wanting to make a mess, while also not waking my parents, or having them question anything?

  1. Look into a waterproof blanket. I got one from Amazon and it’s saved my bedding so many times!

  2. Waterproof splash blanket. You can also get fitted ones that you can put under your sheet on the bed.
    I hate having to clean up too. These work great.

  3. The glass idea is a good one!! I haven’t heard of that till now.

    My ex used to squirt a lot from masturbation and sex. She ended up trying new positions that would make her less likely to squirt. One that worked well was doggystyle. She would still gush a little bit but nowhere near the volume when she was on her back. Worth trying maybe?

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