My bad to anyone who likes this kind of thing if “weird stuff” sounded harsh
I don’t mind a little dressing up but my girlfriend recently told me that she’s into latex stuff.
Not like latex dresses or skirts but like. Full on latex body suits with latex masks and sometimes gas masks. Like gimp suits but for both of us. She sent me a bunch of pictures and they all looked so strange

Maybe I just haven’t branched out enough to know how common that is to not be so shocked my girlfriend would like that sort of thing but it threw me off guard and I just can’t imagine myself in something like that because I’d feel kinda like a weirdo.

I told her I’d think about it a little enthusiastically so I didn’t embarrass her and I’ve tried to watch a little bit of porn to get myself to like it but it’s just too far out of my realm. I really don’t want to hurt my girlfriends feelings though so I don’t know what to do

  1. Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable doing. If you don’t feel ready or comfortable then let her know

  2. It’s okay to make some sacrifices for your partner’s pleasure. It’s also okay to have boundaries you don’t want to cross. Only you know the difference. Maybe there’s a compromise somewhere in the middle that you’re comfortable with that still tickles her fancy.

    Frankly, I think the logistics of trying to have sex in skin right rubber suits sounds like an awful chore, and I’d probably hate it on top of feeling like an idiot in that costume. But if she gives you what you want, I might at least try what she wants. It’s not that uncommon for people to realize these fantasies are much less glamorous in practice than they seem from professionally produced porn. It’s also not unheard of that meeting your partner’s desires can be a good experience for you.

    You’re right to be gentle with her feelings. Sharing intimate desires isn’t easy. But you also need to be honest. Tell her you want to keep her happy, but also tell her how the idea makes you feel, and if you’re not willing to go all the way, ask if there’s some smaller steps you can take that would pique her interest.

  3. My communication level with my partner is really good. When I was younger she asked me to lick her from the back and I was ignorant and childish so I laughed and said that’s gross. She was embarrassed because she eventually told me that sometimes when I go down on her she can feel the warmth on her ass hole and was curious so she build up the guts after months to ask. I felt ashamed that I did not take it into consideration because she is an awesome considerate person. From that point on I told her let’s come up with a deal. There are things I am uncomfortable with and there’s somethings you are uncomfortable with. If we bring something up we agree that we will try it no matter what atleast once. After we review if we will continue it or not. Atleast like that the curiosity is out and we can also at the same time respect our boundaries. Since then we have both discovered things we never thought we would like but now do. Long story short I love to go down on her from behind now.

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