It kinda feels like my relationship is dying? Maybe its just the past couple weeks but its felt off. We dont cuddle as much as we used to i feel as if she doesnt show affection as much either, im trying my hardest to make it work but my mental health has gone through the ringer the past couple weeks too so that doesnt help. The other day she told me “you ruin everything by saying sorry” and that hurt. I know i have a problem with saying sorry alot but it just sorta hit me hard. She says she loves me but it feels different when she says it, i just want things to be back to the way they were i don’t understand whats happening. I cant tell if shes losing feelings or what. I dont know how to even bring this up with her. We spend a ridiculous amount of time together and see eachother maybe 4-5 times a week so maybe some time apart would help? I do feel like im losing myself as an individual and i promised myself i wouldnt let that happen. Any advice would be huge. I really love this girl and want it to work out

1 comment
  1. Go to the gym. Atleast put your anger there, make her miss you and when you do broke up, you’re already building yourself physically and mentally. I heard gym guys became more positive in their life’s perspective. You can give it a try.

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