A few months ago me and my and my girlfriend were watching a movie in her room and we started joking around and she said “wouldn’t it be fun to have a threesome” I laughed and was speechless for a moment and I agreed with her and I say “with a other girl” and she says “it would be fun with a girl but we should try adding a guy also” we both talked about more and we came to the agreement that it would be fun to experiment and try doing both. We both like the idea and are willing to giving it a shot but we both agreed to add a other male into the bed before a female. We have most things planned out we decided to try to find someone we don’t know and then get to know them to get comfortable and make sure the dude isn’t a creep. We also decided to look for a person we both find semi attractive. What I’m really asking is how does one even approach someone to join in as a third person or even start a conversation like that with someone? Feel free to dm me advice or opinions cuz I need it.

  1. don’t do it with anyone you already know. It’s best to never have to see the third person again if things get awkward.

  2. Ahahahahahahahahahahah

    She has someone in mind bro.

    Do the threesome for fun, but don’t expect your relationship to last after.

  3. Hate to break it to you, but any random guy you find that wants to have sex with your girlfriend and you is probably a creep lol

  4. Worst idea ever.

    You get to watch – and maybe participate a bit – while some guy fucks your GF.

    Your relationship will never survive this – fantasy rarely survive meeting reality.

    IF you decide to go through with it, update us???

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