I am an immigrant in Germany, and I have always had a more introverted personality, enjoying spending time alone at home. To improve my interactions in this new country, I decided to attend a party that a coworker invited me to.

A close friend and colleague canceled last minute, but I decided to go anyway to challenge myself at this type of event.

Upon arriving, there were many unfamiliar people, and only two coworkers I don’t usually talk to, apart from the colleague hosting the party.

The colleague hosting the party was very concerned about me because she knows I’m shy, and this kind of event is challenging for me, especially when I don’t know anyone well. She stayed with me for a long time, but eventually, I ended up sitting alone on a couch.

To those I knew, I asked twice when they would be leaving… I was feeling really uncomfortable and now I can’t stop thinking about how awkward I was being…

I’m thinking of not attending events like these where I don’t know anyone. Does anyone here have this problem too? How do you guys deal with it?

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