My F(34) husband M(38) recently met a new friend M(36). They see and talk to each other frequently as they work together. He invited us to his birthday and although he knows we are married and he knows my name (husband has mentioned my name numerous times), he would act as though he forgot my name or give the wrong name during introductions and even skip over me and introduce others. He also proceeded to ask my husband in front of everyone if I am his wife. These are just a few of the strange encounters but I feel he is trying to belittle/invalidate me and has something against me despite no reason. Is this my social anxiety taking over or is he doing this on purpose?

  1. Some people are legitimately bad at remembering names and faces. Or just have a very awkward sense of humor.

  2. I once met someone on campus that I clicked with really well. We were walking and talking towards our next class and then I asked him his name. He looked at me and said we have been roommates for 2 months man. Sometimes this happens to me I can’t explain it. But at the same time I could tell you what I ate for breakfast like a months ago today. Don’t take it too hard

  3. What % of the time do you hang out with your husband and him when the offer is put out there? It could be a tongue in cheek way of saying you’re being unfamiliar with him.

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