What’s the woman’s equivalent to men’s beard?

  1. Imma be honest. The first thing that came to my mind without a thought after reading this question was boobies.

    Dunno why but I’ll go with that.

  2. Makeup. In the sense that it can make you look much more attractive than you really are.

  3. Definition of a beard: someone who pretends to have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone in order to hide that person’s sexual orientation or their affair.

    See: beard companion

  4. As in a fashion thing that everyone has? Leggings, seriously, when was the last time you went out and didn’t see a woman in leggings. And just like beards, some look great, some look terrible, and most are just average.

  5. Honestly it’s probably boobs. It’s vastly different between every person, relies heavily on genes, some people grow them big, some people don’t get any at all, some look pretty awkward, some naturally look great without having to do anything to them. With just a couple of word changes it sounds exactly like beards, only real difference is boobs eventually stop growing, and you can only cut them off once.

  6. Bush. Or if you want to be more kosher about it, makeup. Although men can’t naturally grow makeup so I don’t think there really is a 1:1 comparison.

  7. Im thinking that boobs are the female equivalent to man’s adams apple because it grows from puberty and never reverting.

    Bushes are not considered because both can have it, also armpit hair.

  8. It’s makeup. They use makeup to contour their face just like we use beards to sharpen up our jawlines.

  9. Short hair! Fuck you think the beard feels gross well your hair gives the same feeling for me girl!!! Now what? I can shave but you ruined your whole look!!!

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