What was having your first child like?

  1. Men can’t get pregnant. As far as becoming a dad it’s kinda scary at first but after the first few days you realize babies are easy to take care of. Some days are easier than others and you learn as you go.

  2. My first child was born by Caesarian. My wife was a bit out of it from the pain killers, so I was the first to hold our baby. It was absolutely magical.

    Though I worked and travelled a lot, when I was home I made sure to take care of the child every night. When the child cried at night I got up and held them, danced with them, and sang to them.

    I did the same for the second child.

  3. They say you don’t know what it feels like to be a man until you hold your newborn baby in your arms.

    And it’s true. The first time I held that baby in my hands I thought “I could crush this fuckin thing.”

  4. It was hell.

    My wife fell into a diabetic coma, and had to be whisked away to the ICU. My daughter was born with low blood sugar, so she got whisked away to the NICU.

    Meanwhile, I’m sitting in a waiting room not knowing if my wife and daughter are ok. First, got the news that my daughter was ok as they were able to get her stable, but she would be in the NICU for a few more hours (if not overnight). Eventually, got the word that my wife was stable, and when I went to see her without baby she freaked out. I explained what happened, and that caused wife to breakdown emotionally.

    Once my wife was completely stable, we were able to go to the NICU to see our daughter.

  5. I was like “Crap, how do I not make any big mistakes.” Was all nervous driving our baby home from the hospital. Any time I carried him somewhere, I thought “I better not trip.” Once, my wife was holding him up on a 3rd story walkway and I said “Please stay back from the edge, I’m worried about earthquakes.”

    The local news always had stories about kids dying, and while I never liked them before of course, they were really upsetting once you have your own.

  6. Day before birth i was a downhill biker, ate like shit, spent nights playing video games and compensating with tons of coffeine during the day. Once i saw my boy i cut all of risky activities as i didn’t want my boy to be raised without dad, or with heavily injured dad. I also started exercising and eating healthy cause i want to be as fit as possible for my boy and later for possible grand kids.

  7. It was terrifying. I helped my wife more than anything. Hadn’t the slightest idea on how to handle a kid, but I knew what things would help my wife.

    First 3 months were 100% her and shame on me for not stepping up. On one hand, I didn’t get any time off work while she got 3 months. She makes sure the baby was taken care of and I made sure the house was taken care of. In my mind it was fair and even.

    I didn’t start watching my child by myself until 5 months and that was for limited amounts of time. I just wasn’t comfortable but I didn’t try either.

    Fast forward to about 8 months later, I love being with my kid, I take care of both, I’ve sort of blossomed into a decent dad from what I was told.

    Long story short I was scared and didn’t push myself until about 5 months in. Now I helped with feedings and stuff but I just got whatever my wife needed, except for a break.

  8. I felt completely useless in the delivery room , like go team ! I didn’t know what to say or do. Then, they ended up doing a c section. I got to hear my daughter cry for the first time and my heart just melted right there. Then I got to hold her , I’m like this is my daughter wow. Such an overwhelming experience of love. Something I wish everyone could experience.

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