I know it sounds insane but I just don’t feel like I’m looking at the real Christina Aguilera in the Just Eat advert she did with Latto… There’s something so off and I can’t put my finger on it… She looks like Christina from the 90s/early 2000s and not her current self, I know it could be editing but there’s something not quite right about it… Does anyone else think they deep faked her for it?

I also think the same about Samuel L Jackson in the Warburton’s Bread advert, and Penelope Cruz in the Emirates advert.

  1. More likely that the long running Hollywood writers’ strike meant there wasn’t much work to go around, so a lot of actors etc had to branch out to keep the lights on.

  2. Link to the actual ad for the lazy/people who are ad-blocked up so heavily even the new Youtube pop-up about ad-blockers doesn’t show?

  3. I don’t know, I just know that not using Just Eat or UberEats is one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. If I want fast food, I’ll walk to go get it.

  4. Wonder how much they pay, I guess these people don’t know just eat is bottom of the barrel shite

  5. It’s a mixture of plastic surgery, fillers, and a beautifying filter. Unfortunately, showing signs of age is a cardinal sin in Hollywood so you have to change your face little by little until you don’t even look like yourself.

  6. Maybe not a deepfake but some sort of de aging process being applied. Similar things of course. Both some digital manipulation going on just with de aging it probably is the real Christina Aguilera.

    We are probably aware of blatant de aging effects when it’s really obvious but it’s rumored they are used more often than we think on actors to shave a decade or so off of their appearance. So they are not just using them to de age Harrison Ford from 80 odd to 40’s but also to shave 10 years off of what Tom Cruise actually looks like.

  7. I think a lot of these adverts only run in the UK and not the US. So these big celebrities get a payday but their reputation isn’t sullied in the US.

  8. The sameul L Jackson one is not fake. There is a write-up where he talks about coming over to England to shoot it. He’s just a fucking legend.

  9. Pretty sure if that would be illegal, using their likeness without permission, in a way which makes it seem like they’re endorsing a product.

  10. She has recently lost a lot of weight and changed her makeup, she was on American talk shows last week looking like this

  11. Other than the huge false lashes that make them both look cross eyed in the ad, it looks like her. And they already had Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg, so it’s not unheard of

  12. Awhile ago Sam Jackson was spotted at Bongos Bingo in Glasgow & I remember wondering what had brought him to town. As soon as the Warburtons ads started running I knew! So it’s definitely him in the ads, but likely been retouched/makeup etc.

  13. A lot of ads (and even quite a few movies, anything with Tom Cruise in it that’s come out in the past five years in particular lol) basically like instagram/tiktok video filters to “beautify” celebs, but the quality of the improvements vary based on the spend for the production. This ad has a lot of heavy post-production work which hasn’t been done super well (clients probably cheaped out lmao typical) so it looks more fake than it should. Another issue is that they’ve painted her weird for this, basically the style of makeup they’ve done is like the Kardashian-esque flavor where they paint visual illusions on the face to reassign where light and shadow go (it’s called contouring and it’s popular with drag queens too lol.) The problem with this makeup style in video is that any kind of movement betrays the illusion, and they way they’ve lit the actors doesn’t suit the heaviness of the cosmetics. Plus our girl has had some work done (cheek and lip fillers plus a brow lift) that looks fresh, it hasn’t had time to settle into her face yet, making her look a bit like a mannequin. Christina is also in her 40s now, so they’re trying to hide that as much as possible to match the other actress in the spot.

    tl;dr bad makeup, bad post work, really bad lighting that isn’t done to account for multiple different skin tones in the same shot, and an aging celeb with new face work

    Source: 15 years in video production and advertisement

  14. A. She lost a bunch of weight. B, shes obviously had plastic surgery to some degree. C. Its airbrushed and touched up. This is why it doesn’t look “right” . D, i absolutely still would.

  15. I have encountered ‘Jennifer Lopez’ in an inane mobile game advert recently.

    It looks like her, they call her Jennifer… but looks younger and wtf JLo doing crap mobile game adverts?

    Feels like they’re being paid for permission to use their likeness as per that black mirror episode and naturally the marketing team go with a younger look.

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